WWII timeline

  • Period: to

    timeline time

  • Communist party is started in Germany

    Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht start the communist party in Germany.
  • Hitler goes to jail

    He wrote Mein Kampf which spread his influence throughout Germany. This influence led to him becoming the dictator of Germany
  • Hitler Youth

    Hitler recruited young kids telling them they were the future and they needed to be educated in the ways of the Nazi so they could further protect their race and become powerful
  • Nazi camps

    Nazi camps
    for over 10 years the nazi's had camps where they sent Jewish people and other "non-aryans"
  • Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag burns down and it is believed that the communists did it but no one really knows. This helps Hitlers hate for the communists to grow
  • Burning books

    Germans burned books that didn't share Nazi views
  • Nuremberg race laws

    Laws were passed that limited interaction between "Aryans" and everyone else
  • Jessie Owens

    Olympic Athlete Jessie Owens won 4 golden medals in track and field at the 1936 Berlin Olympics
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish businesses attacked and destroyed by Nazis
  • Jewish Ghettos

    Jewish people were sent to bad towns called ghettos before they were sent to the camps
  • Holocaust

    Mass destruction of life. Enemies of the state were sent to camps
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide and the end of the war begins