WWII Timeline

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany decides to invade Poland in September of 1939. German forces used the military strategy known as blitzkrieg, or lightning war. Germany finally defeats Poland in October of 1939.
  • Germany invaded France

    Germany invaded France
    After defeating Poland, Germany moves on to take over France. Germany attacks France from the rear of the Maginot Line, demoralizing France.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    There was conflict between Germany and Britain. It is thought to be a significant turning point in World War 2. Because Germany defeated the French, Britain was left on its own to try and hold back Hitler.
  • The U.S. helped out Britain with war supplies

    The U.S. helped out Britain with war supplies
    The lend-lease act was passed and gave the President of the United States the right to sell, lend, and/or lease military supplies to any nation. The starting point for cost was $7,000,000,000
  • Germany invaded Soviet Union

    Germany invaded Soviet Union
    The German attack against the Soviet Union was known as Operation Barbarossa. In the end, Operation Barbarossa had failed.
  • Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor
    With Japan and the U.S not being able to agree any longer. The U.S knew at some point war was going to start between the two. However, U.S didn't know where the Japanese were planning to attack. On December 7, 1941 Japan launched their bomb on U.S territory in Hawaii.
  • Germany declared war on the U.S.

    Germany declared war on the U.S.
    Japan and Germany (Axis Power partners) decided to go to war against the U.S. because Hitler thought the U.S. was going to declare war first. He wanted to 'beat us to the punch'.
  • The U.S. victorious in the Battle of Midway

    The U.S. victorious in the Battle of Midway
    During this battle, U.S. planes sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. Also, destroying more than 300 Japanese planes.
  • D-Day

    175,000 of our soldiers fought on 60 miles of French coastline. 2,245 men died that day.
  • U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Japan

    U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Japan
    Eventually, the U.S. decides to drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Killing about 80,000 people.