Period: to
Mao Zedong Heads Long March
World War II starts when the Japanese invade china so the communists are retreating from nationalists. They retreated 6,000 miles in a year. Mao led as publicity to say he was “swimming in the peasent sea” which made him popular. -
Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany
Stalin and Hitler agree to split Poland in their Non-Agression Pact. Hitler invades poland with blitzkrieg in a plan to get to France after. France and Brittain then declare war on france -
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor May
Isoroku Yamamoto says Hawaii is a dagger pointed at the throat of Japan. Pearl Harbor Oahu is where the us naval fleet was held. Japan bombs it wihtout warning. Many Americans die and ships are destroyed. Because of this FDR tells congress to declare war on Japan. -
Germany surrenders Aug-Sept
Britain bombs Drezdin and destroys it. Then stalin comes at hitler from east and allies coming from west so he tries to split the allied forces in the Ardennes to negotiate peace and he loses. He commits suicide with Eva Braun, his mistress, as germany surrenders -
Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945: United Nations formed
Allies developed the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project with Oppenheimer and Groves. They administer a warning to Japan to surrender and they don’t hear anything so they bomb Hiroshima. Still, no surrender so they bomb nagasaki then receive a surrender from Japan.