German troops invade Poland- two days later, Britain and France declare war on Germany
This event was important beacuse this reased the beginning of the WWII -
Canada declares war on Germany
This was important beacuse Canada didnt do what they say about being a peacekeaping country -
British troops flee from Dunkirk in massive evacuation
This was important for Germany because they won French territory -
France surrenders to Germany
Germany was wining territory they only needed to invade Britain to control Europe -
Battle of Britain
An important use of technology was used in this battle by the Britains, that give them the win -
Germany invades its former ally, Russia
This was a bad move from Germany because the USSR was very strong, and that caused a lot of damage to Germany -
Japanese attack U.S fleet at Pearl Harbor
This was the event that cause the war between Japan and US that three days later enter the IIWW -
US enters the war (Decalres war on Japan and three more days in Germany)
This was important because the most powerful country at that time was getting into the war wich made a huge diference in the war -
Canadian troops arrive in Hong Kong
Canadian troops were involve in this war and a lot died -
Battle of Hong Kong
This event was important because a lot of Canadian troops were involve in this battle and a lot died -
canadians vote 3 to 1 in favour of conscription (1942 only)
This was important because Canadian citizens approved that young man serve for the military -
Dieppe raid ends in disaster for Canadian troops
Again a lot of Canadian troops were killed by German troops in Dieppe raid -
Allies invade Sicily
This was a succesful move from the Allies beacuse they took sicily from the Axis power -
D- Day: Armies under three flags - Britain, the U.S, and Canada- storm the shores of France
This was important beacuse it was the largest seaborne invasion in history -
VE Day (Victory in Europe): Germany surrenders
This was finally the surrender of the German troops, but war was still going -
U.S drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan ( three days later a second bomb falls in Nagasaki)
This was important because of this attacks that killed thousands of inocent people, Japan surrended -
VJ Day (Victory in Japan): Japan surrenders
This day Japan surrenders to US and the WWII was over