Japanese Invasion of China
Japan wanted the natural resources in china. Japanese could do could do whatever they wanted no one tried to stop them from taking over. Britian, france, and America all dent Ads to help china out, there were so many people of china killed during that time -
Germany Blitzrieg
There wasnt musch to this one. What this was was a to create disorganization amoug armies to weaken them so that they could defeant the allies. They used this a lot and most of the time it work. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
HistoryHitler has to make sure that poland and the souilt union didnt fo against him britain and france tried to negotiate to keep hitler from doing what he wanted to do, Hitler wanted control. After hitler made the pact with poland he crossed into poland territory and that is when World War 2 begain. -
Fall of Paris
The people of paris were awaken telling them there would be a curfew for the time of 8 p.m. The Prome minister tried to tell paris to hang on to not negotate with germany because America would be coming to help them -
Operation Barbarossa
HistoryGermany invated the Soviet union, were plan was to capture the land to feed armt advances. They needed to take over Soviet Union to get the rest of europe. Hitler had won for been winning for a while but in the the end up losing because he understimated The Suviet Union. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japan and many americans where killed because of it. Janan wanted control over this land and island. The Japanese sent a declatation of war to Washington and america tried to tell Hawaii that they were coming but it was to late. There plaines spotted but that was ignored. -
Wannsee Conference
It was a meeting to discuss the details of the final solution. the germans discussed several ways to deal with the jews. Then then decied that gas vans where the mos eddicent maens to kill that largest number of people at a time. -
Bataan Death March
Japan invaded the philippines after the attack on pearl harbor. Janpanes wanted to take over so the attacked philiipines to gain contorl. Amercan ends up surrendering bataan. Japanes made Americans and Philipnes march to camps and that is why it was called the death March -
Battle of Midway
the battle of midway was a battle for strategic midway btween american and japanese to gan control of the pacific. Japanese thought they had america beat but america knew what they would do and surppried them by doing it first. They intersepted the communitcation. -
Battle of Stalingrad
The soviet union successfully defended the city of stalingrad. They defened it was best as they could to keep the germans out in which that worked. Thos was the turing tide in the war in favor of the allies this was the bloodiest battle in histoy. Soviet union did not care though. -
Operation Gomorrah
Bitish bombed germany at night. Geramny had bombed britshan first for thats why britien bombed them back. America had bombed them during the day after america was done they the bitish stared at night and bombed germany. that day was really bad for the german -
D-Day (Normandy Incasion)
Americans did a surprise attack on germany, It was a really big surprise to them. America did it to finaly defeat the germans. The Germand thought engalnd would attack them in france and so germany moved everyone to a diferent spot but americans attacked instaed and cam a different wat then they thought. -
Operation Thunderclap
operation thunderclap was to bomb the eastern most cities of germany. They wanted to get to dreden because it was like the head courts and had it had very little bombing. They ened up bombing it and it had a lot of damage and got bombed pretty good -
Liberation of Concentratoin Camps
Nazi was killing jews. Soviet union were the first to approach nazi camps. Germans tried to his the mass murders of all the jews for the gases. Britian and America liberated concontation camps in germany but even with them doing that and them getting freed 10 thousand still died for lack of food. -
Battle of the Bulge
Hitler wanted contorl so what he did was try to split the allied amies from each other but americans fought back with a line that looked a bulge. All hitler cared about was conrol. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Americans invaded the island of Iwo Jima so that there would be a place for the 13-29 bomers that were damaged over in janan could land to be save. Iwo jima was defended by 23,000 japanese troops but within a month of fighting america took them out. -
Battle of Okinawa
HistoryIt was a fihgt between the Japanese and America to control the island of Okinawa. The American and Japanese wanted contorl over this. but after the fighting and in the end when america was winning the japanese started to just kill themselves instead of surrendering to the american. -
VE Day
it was victory in eruope for britian and America. Germany had surrendered POW were relised the war was over. Russa took in german prisoners after germany had surrernded and most of the prisoners had died. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
America becomes the first and only to use an atomic bomb. WIth america doing that that ended the war. That bomb had 80 thousands instently. After days of the bomb being dropped 10s of thousands people. 3 days later there was another bomb that was dropped -
VJ day
VJ days was the end World War and why it was the end well that is beacuse Japan surrendered and American won vicory over Janpa day.