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Occupation of Singapore (B. Pers.)

  • Beginning

    The first bombs are dropped on Singapore, starting the war between Britain and Japan. The bombs killed 61 people and injured 133.
  • Period: to


  • Jap. Invade

    Jap. Invade
    Japanese Empire invades and starts fighting the British soldiers
  • Alexandra Hospital Massacre

    Alexandra Hospital Massacre
    The Japanese attack and kill most patients and nurses at the Alexandra Military Hospital. Japanese also kill a British soldier that ran to meet the Japanese with a white flag. Over two days, 280 staff and patients were killed in a matter of two days.
  • B. Surrender

    B. Surrender
    The British surrender to the Japanese at the Old Ford Factory.
  • J. Surrender

    J. Surrender
    Japan surrenders and leaves Singapore. This happens after the Americans bomb Haroshima and Nagasaki. This also happens after the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.