Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the National Socialist Party (Nazi).
Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch
A failed takeover of the government in Bavaria. Hitler was convicted of treason and sentenced to prison for five years. -
Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was published
Nazis are elected by the Germans and making them the second largest political party in Germany
FDR is ected as president of the United States
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
German Reichstag burns
The first concentration camp opened, ourside of Berlin
Hitler gets dictorial power because of the Enabling Act
The Nazi Party is declared to be the only political party of Germany
The rights of German Jews were removed by Nuremberg Race Laws
The secret police of Germany (Gestapo) are placed above the law
Rhineland is occupied by the German troops
Germany occupies the Sudetenland (Northwestern Czechoslovakia)
Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass)
Nazis sign a Pact with Italy ('Pact of Steel')
France, Britian, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany
Canada declares war on Germany
oland is divided between the Soviets and the Germans
Denmark and Norway is invaded by the Nazis
Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
Italy declares war on Britian and France
Italy invades Egypt
Tripartite (Axis) PAct is signed by Germany, Japan, and Italy
Germany attacks Soviet Union
First experimental use of gas chambers in Auschwitz
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
U.S. and Britian declare war on Japan
Germany declares war on the United States
Battle of Stalingrad begins
Americans begin bombing Germany
Germans surrender at Stalingrad, Germany loses sixth army
Allies take tunisia
German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa
Large British air raid on Berlin
Germans surrender in the Crimea
Liberation of the first concentration camp
Liberation of Paris
German forces in the Ruhr surrender
Mussolini dies
Adolf Hitler commits suicide
Surrender of all german forces
Allies divide up Germany and Berlin, then take over the government
The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
Second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
Japanese sign the surrender agreement
Nuremberg war crime trials begin