Hiter is chancellor
Hitler become chancellor. Hitler wanted to increase power of the Nazi party by passing the Enabling Act which allowed him to deviate from Germany constitution -
Hitler Military
Hitler entitled to 200,000 man, making his military bigger -
Germany against Versallies
Germany goes against the versailles and enlist troops making his military bigger. Only because the treaty of versailles reduced their Army to 100,000 men and was allowed 6 capital naval ships with no weapons or anything. -
Britain navy
Germany build Britain's navy. Britain let them do that for the return of no war. -
Formation Axis
German, Italy and Japan was the axis powers and they wanted to take over other countries land and use them as resources. Also with the axis power it was a allies powers where it was Germany, Great Britain and France. Later on 1941 the US join too. If was for to not go to war or start war. -
Munich Agreement
The pact was between Germany,Britain,France and Italy.The pact seals the fate of Czechoslovakia and gives Germany control over Sudetenland a small portion of land in Czechoslovakia home to over 3 million ethnic German -
German-soviet non-aggression pact
Nazi Germany and the soviet union surprised the world by signing the German-soviet nonaggression pact which mean that they can't go to war for the nest 10 years with each other. Hitler used the pact to invade Poland. The pact falls apart when Nazi forces invaded soviet union. -
Germany invades poland
Germany invasion of Poland was a primer on how Hitler intended to start war. -
Great Britain and France declare war with Germany
British and the french declare war on Germany response to Hitler invasion of Poland by bombing German ships, France would begin an offensive against Germany's western border.Also Britain knew that the appeasement wasn't working anymore. -
Mussolni goes to war against France
Italy's lack of raw materials had made Mussolini wary of waging all out war previously. Britain and France were also carrying on him with promise of territorial concessions in Africa in exchange for neutrality. All Italians who had lived in Britain less than twenty years and who lived in Britain less than twenty years and who were between the ages sixteen and seventy were immediately prisoner. -
British troops invade Syria
Pro-Axis Rashid Ali refused to allow Britain, maneuvers withing this country in accordance with the Anglo-Iraqi treaty of 1930. Britain drive Ali and his followers out of Iraq. Also Britain decided to take preventive action with the help of Australian and Indian and free French forces, Brain invaded both Syria and Lebanon. July 14 giving the allies control of Syria and Lebanon. -
Japan attack pearl Harbor
The Japanese destroy nearly twenty American naval vessels also eight battleships and more than 300 airplanes more than 2,000 Americans soldiers and sailors died and 1,000 were wounded. Japan attack pearl harbor because the US didn't like how Japan was treating China with their aggressive attitude. What American officials did towards Japan was ban their trade and economic, so they couldn't access to money and goods and supplies like oil. Japan stood their ground even with the threats -
US become allied power
The United States become allied power and join war world II the day after Japan bombed pearl harbor. Allied power side was the opposite side of the axis power. -
Hitler declares was with US
Hitler made an agreement with his axis partner Japan that Germany would join a against the United States but wasn't sure how it be engaged. Since Japan also attack pearl harbor Von Ribbentrop feared that the addition of another enemy , the United States would overwhelm the German war effort -
First Atomic Bomb
First Atomic Bomb explodes over Hiroshima. 80% of the town is destroyed 90,000 people die immediacy. 40,000 are wounded.The reason why the US bomb Japan was because they bomb pearl harbor. -
Second Atomic Bomb
President Truman saw a picture of the first bomb and he thought that it was bad and that he wanted to wait for the president of Japan to reply to what the bomb had did but also didn't want to get bomb by japan again so four days later they bomb Nagasaki. 40,000 people die immediately and 60,000 were wounded.. -
VJ-The war ends
When Japan surrendered to the allies, effectively ending WWII because the atomic bomb killed so many people that he just said you know what I can't do this anymore so he accepted to surrender blaming the use of the "New and most cruel bomb" -
First meeting full assembly of the United nations in London
Comprising 51 nations, convenes at west minster central hall in London to establish it's rules of procedure. The General assembly adopted it's first resolution, calling for the peaceful uses of atomic energy and the removal of atomic and other weapons of mass wreckage. -
NATO is etabished
The north Atlantic treaty organization is established by 12 western nations - US, France, Great Britain, Italy etc. The military alliance which provided for a collective self-defense against soviet aggression. 1966 Greece, Turkey and west Germany joined NATO