WWII Timeline

  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Hitler used the Treaty of Versailles as a way to withdaw from the League of Nations. It was completely not related he just did not want to be with them. He also wanted to go against the Treaty.
  • Saturday surprise

    hitler does the first saturday surprise.
  • second saturday surprise

    second saturday surprise
    It showed that hitler was ignoring the treaty. He did this by recreating the military. He also did a few other things like take back some of germanies old land.
  • Allies with Italty

    Germany allies with Italy
  • Germany threatens austria

    He threatens austria so the become part of germany. He gives the emporor 3 days to decide then holds a vote to see if their population wants it. He rigs the vote and the two countries merge
  • Jews had to wear the yellow star

  • Nazis strike at poland

    They dress a group of prisoners in polish uniforms then say they are retaliating for an atack on gelwitz. They kill the prisoners. They are just trying to get an excuse to attack poland without the other countries retaliating
  • Jewish deportation strike

    After The Nazi party trying to deport 400 Jews a group of people took a stand. Hitler then wiped them out. He also started even bigger mass deportation after that.
  • Hitler orders invasion of Russia

    Hitler orders invasion of Russia
    Hitler decides he should fight russia. His advisers warn him that fighting from both sides could prove to be deady but he does it anyway. Russia does the same tactic they did in the past retreat back for the winter while burning the crops and land behind them.
  • america declares war on japan

    america declares war on japan
    then hitler declares war on US thereby allying the US, Great Brittan, and the Soviet Union. This proves deadly agaist first japan then germany. The three did not get along but they wanted to win the war no matter the costs.