Period: to
Japan invades Manchuria
Japan invaded Manchuria because of continuous fighting -
Facist Italy invades, conquers, and annexes Ethiopia
Nazi germany and facists Italy sign a treaty of cooperation
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact,
Japan invades China
France and Great Britian gurarantee the intergrity of the Polish Boders
Facist Italy invades and annexes Albania
Germany invades Poland
The Soviet Union invades Poland
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Germany attacks Western Europe
Italy enters the war
Japan bombs pearl harbor
Nazi Germany and axis powers declare war on the U.S.
Allied troops liberste Rome
Germans retreat and surrender
Hitler commits suicide
U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
Soviet Union declare war on Japan
U.S. bombs Nagasaki
Japan surredenders, ending WORLD WAR II