WWII Legacy

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    Rise of Hitler

    In Germany, Hitler slowly started to gain the peoples support and trust, through promises of more jobs and a stable government. In 1933 he was appointed as Germany's chancellor, and continued to increase his power. This is significant to WWII because Hitlers poor leadership and dictatorship was the reason for the start of the war, because Hitler wanted to have more land and power.
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    The Holocaust was Hitlers was of blaming someone else for Germany's failure. It was the belief that the Aryan race, (white, blonde hair, blue eyes), was superior. At first they destroyed the Jewish people through their economy, and then it led to the complete extermination of the Jewish population, along with other groups like handicaps and homosexuals. This is significant because it was one of the largest genocides in the world, killing over 11 million people.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked the Pacific Fleet, in Pearl Harbor Hawaii. It was an attack on the American Navy. It destroyed 20 American ships, and 300 airplanes. Over 3,500 people were either killed or wounded. This event is significant because it marks the moment that America entered WWII
  • D Day Invasion

    D Day Invasion
    This was a plan to attack Germany in France on 5 different beaches. They created a deception plan, making Germany think that they were attacking from further North. 4 of the 5 beaches were easily won, the other being Omaha beach, which had a much strong Germany defense. This attack is significant because it was the downfall of Germany and the power of Hitler.
  • First Concentration Camp Liberated

    First Concentration Camp Liberated
    The first camp that was liberated was Bergen-Belsen. After much negotiation between Germany and British Army forces, Germany decided to surrender the camp because of the many sick that it held, with no medical supplies. After that, many more concentration camps were slowly liberated, with over 10 million survivors after the war. This event is significant because it was the beginning of the end for Germany.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    After the liberation's, the Allies surrounded Berlin, planning an all out attack on Hitler's capital. Hitler became even more mad, and eventually committed suicide. Soon thereafter, Germany surrendered.
  • Dropping of Atomic Bomb

    Dropping of Atomic Bomb
    America used the first atomic bomb in war, on two places in Japan. Hiroshima was the first, and then Nagasaki. They gave Japan a choice, to surrender, or be destroyed. Japan did not surrender, so 90 percent of the city was destroyed, and over 80,000 people were immediately killed from the bomb. This was a significant event because it was a victory for America.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan finally surrenders to the allies. Finally World War II is over.