WWII Events

  • Adolf Hitler

    Becomes chancellor of germany
  • Axis powers

    Germany,Italy,japan made an alliance
  • Annex

    Germany annexes Austria
  • Munich Agreement

    Germany,Italy,Great Britain, and France sign the appeasement
  • Period: to

    Breaking agreements

    Germany breaks Munich Agreement and occupies the Czech lands
  • Nazi-Soviet pact

    Germany and Soviet Union sign a pact and it divides Eastern Europe into spheres of influence
  • Invasion

    Germany invades Poland
  • France declares war

    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Period: to

    Phony War

    Hitler launches a surprise attack in Denmark and Norway, No fighting and it happens for months
  • Fall of France

    Germany conquers Belgium and Netherlands
  • Began OSL

    Secret code name for an invasion to the UK during the Battle of Britain
  • Operation Sea Lion

    It called off/ended the Battle of Britain
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed the United States Navy,Army,Air Force was a suprise attack