Adolf Hitler
becomes chancellor of Germany -
Axis Powers Form
An Alliance forms between Germany Italy and Japan -
Coming together
Germany annexes Austria -
Signing the Munich Agreement
Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign Appeasement -
Period: to
Breaking the Munich Agreement
Germany breaks the agreement and occupies the rest of Czechlands -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Germany and Soviet Union have a pact to not attack each other -
Germany invades
Germany invades Poland -
Period: to
Phony War
September 3 1939 France declares war on Germany but don´t fight till April 9 1940 -
Also known as the Night of the Broken Glass it was a program against the Jews society -
Fall of France
Germany attacks France in the unexpected way through Ardennes (heavy wooded forest) till France surrenders 22 June 1940 -
Operation Sea Lion
Hitlers invasion plan for Britain was known as Operation Sea Lion -
Battle of Britain begins
Hitler invades with the Plan known as operation Sea lion -
Operation Sea Lion is called off
The Operation Sea Lion is called off since the German didn't have Radar but the Soviet Union did -
Pearl Harbor
Japan bombs American Navy Army and Air Force this leads United States to enter WWII -
Wannsee Conference
This Conference was when the Final Solution was decided. The Final Solution was about how they were going to get rid of all the Jews from Germany.