• Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler Invades Czechoslovakia
    Despite the assurances given by Hitler in the Treaty of Munich (Sept 1938), he marched into Czechoslovakia and occupied the country.
  • German Invasion

    German Invasion
    The Germans invaded Poland, and this was the act that started WWII.
  • The Phoney War

    The Phoney War
    Referred to as the "Phoney War" because Britain saw no military action.
  • Dunkirk

    The British commander-in-chief, General Gort, had been forced to retreat to the coast at Dunkirk.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The start of the Battle of Britain
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    Germany Invades the Soviet Union
    Germany Invades the Soviet Union. This is a battle between the Axis and the Allied Powers.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese planes attacked the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. More than 2,300 people were killed.
  • U.S at War

    U.S at War
    The United States declares war on Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  • Nazis Declare War on the US

    Nazis Declare War on the US
    Nazi Germany declares war on the United States.
  • D-Day

    The Normandy Landings were the landing operations of the Allied invasions of Normandy during WWII.
  • Death March

    Death March
    There was a Death March of nearly 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp system in southern Poland.
  • Mussolini Killed

    Mussolini Killed
    Mussolini was captured and executed by Italian Partisans.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany signs a surrender from WWII.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders to the western Allies.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
    Both the United States and Great Britain celebrate victory during WWII.
  • Hiroshima

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • Nagasaki

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Japanese Surrender
    The Japanese unconditionally surrendered to the allies ending the second world war.
  • Surrender of Japan

    Surrender of Japan
    When the Japanese Empire surrendered, WWII came to a stop.