• FDR signs Lend-Lease Act

    United States starts providing military aid to the soldiers at war, limiting resources back at home.
  • Nazis require Jews to wear yellow stars

    Nazi's enforce yellow stars to be on Jews at all times so people know they are Jewish.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Attack on pearl harbor leads United States to declaring war
  • United States and Britain declare war on Japan

    United States want to defeat Japan
  • Declaration of United Nations signed by 26 allies

    United Nations is created
  • Germany begins U-boat offensive across US east coast

    U-boats offensive tactic.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Japanese are forced to relocate after pearl harbor
  • German air raids begin against cathedral cities in Britain

    Lots of civilians are killed during air raids. Bombing becomes custom.
  • First deportations of warsaw ghetto Jews to concentration camps

    Jews are unwillingly deported to concentrations camps from warsaw
  • Battle of Stalingrad begins

    Nazis fight Russia for city of Stalingrad