Hitler rises to power as Chancellor.
First Concentration Camp opens in Germany.
Nazi Party declared Germany's sole political Party
Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany.
Hitler reveals his intentions.
Germany Invades Poland.
Period: to
World War II
UK, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
Germany gains France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway.
Battle of Britian Begins.
USA stops exporting to Japan
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
Britian and USA declare war on Japan
Germany Declares war on USA.
USA sends first troops to Britian.
Murder of Jews by gassing starts.
First All-American Air Attack in Europe.
Allies Land on Sicily.
Allies Bomb Rome.
Italian Fascist Government falls.
Italy surrenders to Allies.
Italy Declares war on Germany.
Paris is Liberated
Last Use of Gas Chanbers in the Holocaust
Warsaw, Poland is liberated.
Auschwitz is Liberated
Soviets Reach Berlin.
Hitler Commits Suicide.
Allies Dived Germany between themselves.
Hiroshima, Japan is nuclear bombed.
Nagasaki, Japan is bombed.
Japanese Surrender ending WWII.
The United Nations is formed.