Iwao Yamawaki - Der Schlag gegen das Bauhaus
The Assault on the Bauhaus
Photomontage Image Location:
https://www.moma.org/interactives/objectphoto/assets/collateral/000/307/282/307282_original.jpg -
Hans Schweitzer - Unsere Letze Hoffnung: Hitler
Our last hope: Hitler
Poster Image Location:
https://c8.alamy.com/comp/AG1AG6/national-socialism-propaganda-unsere-letzte-hoffnung-hitler-berlin-AG1AG6.jpg -
John Heartfield - Adolf, der Ubermensch: Schluckt Gold und redet Blech
Adolf, the Superman
Swallows gold and spouts junk Image Location:
https://static.mfah.com/collection/00513.jpg?maxWidth=550&maxHeight=550&format=jpg&quality=90 -
Ludwig Hohlwein - The Reich Sports Day of the Association of German Girls
John Heartfield - Adolf, der Ubermensch: Schluckt Gold und redet Blech
Leonid - Ganz Deutschland...
Ganz Deutschland hört den Führer mit dem Volksempfänger
All of Germany listens to the leader with the people's receiver Image Location:
https://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/assets/images/500x/poster-radio.jpg -
Herbert Bayer - Deutschland Ausstellung
German Exhibition Image Location:
https://www.moma.org/media/W1siZiIsIjI0MTYzMCJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCItcmVzaXplIDIwMDB4MjAwMFx1MDAzZSJdXQ.jpg?sha=83ee5b3d1831a273 More Information:
https://www.moma.org/collection/works/7512 -
Vierthaler - Entartete Kunst Ausstellung
Degenerate Art Exhibition Image Location:
https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/910/41351938055_08232540fb_b.jpg -
Richard Klein - Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung
Great German Art Exhibition LHS: 1938
RHS: 1937 Image Location:
https://pictures.abebooks.com/EISGRUBER/19419896184.jpg -
Anonymous - Entartete Kunst
Degenerate Art
Catalogue Cover Image Location:
http://web.nli.org.il/sites/NLI/Hebrew/collections/personalsites/Israel-Germany/World-War-2/PublishingImages/C8%20Entartete%20Kunst0001.jpg -
Anonymous - Chamberlain's Work!
Period: to
World War II
Anonymous - Never was so much owned by so few
Günther Nagel - Hitler baut auf
Hitler Constructs Image Location:
http://homes.ieu.edu.tr/memmanouil/VCD%20301/VCD%20301/WEEK%209/VCD301_WK9_Presentation1.ppt.pdf -
Charles Coiner - Citizen's Defence Corps Symbols
Anonymous - Mightier Yet!
Jean Carlu - Production: America's Answer!
J. Howard Miller - We Can Do It!
Photolithograph Image Location:
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/af/96/7d/af967d2ea42e4021cf5a87f636a584b6.jpg -
1942 Lester Beall - Don't Let Him Down
Norman Rockwell - Save Freedom of Speech
Ivanov and Burova - Our hope is in you, Red warrior!