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  • Period: to

    Neutrality Laws

  • War Started

  • Stalin Demands Territory on Finland

  • German Armies March into Norway and Invade Denmark

  • German Armies Defeat France

  • Germans Air Attack British Air Bases

  • Congress Approved First Peace-Time Draft

  • Hitler Makes A plan To Invade Russia

  • Draft Was Extended

  • Germans Invade Russia

  • Period: to

    Einsatzgruppen Murder Jews

  • World Learns Russia Murdered Thousands of Polish Officers

  • Nazi's Use Poison Gas to Kill Jews

  • Russia Began Demanding a "Second Front"

  • Loss of Over 200,000 Veteran Troops

  • Britain Was In Danger of Starvation

  • Russia Invaded France

  • Red Army Approached and Left Warsaw in Ruins

  • Germans Surrender

  • British Bomber Raid and a Day Later America Does "A Storm of Fire"

  • Stalin Installed a Communist Government

  • Hitler Commits Suicide

  • War Ends

  • Russian Armies Captured Berlin