Hitler 1481559c


  • Japanese invasion on china

    Japanese invasion on china
    in1937 Japan troops ruled most of Asia. When they invaded China they took over the capital of China, Nanjing as the did a mass killing on civilians and soldiers that stood in their way. This made the US mad leading then to stop the trade agreements with Japan. Japan disagreed with their decision and signed an alliance with the Nazi party which started conflict in WW2
  • The rape on nanking

    The rape on nanking
    A bit after they took over China, Japan soldiers had no mercy. With a mass killing of civilians and soldiers of the Chinese government. This all happened during the Sino-Japanese war and was still going on during WW2
  • Pearl harbour

    Pearl harbour
    Pearl harbor was a sneak attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor Naval Base. December 7, 1941 the skies filled with Japanese fighter planes. As they flew through the sky and attacked the United States Pacific fleet. It happened because the Japanese military wanted a short war, but they also wanted to weaken US naval strength so they could get their vital oil supply. The attack killed 2403 US navals including 68 civilians. Japan also blew up some of their boats, 19 US navy ships, including 8 battleships.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Blitzkrieg in German means “Lightning War”. The German military overran Europe and it was victorious for two years. The Germans air force prevented the enemy from resupplying or redeploying forces. They could circle enemy forces and force surrender. Germany started using blitzkrieg to avoid a long war in Europe. The effect of panic and chaos was caused with blitzkrieg as it moved in to territories much faster than anything else could've
  • The fall of Paris

    The fall of Paris
    The battle of France only lasted a few months till German forces made the allies surrender which gave the Nazis the French capital and forces. It also gave Germany a huge lead in the war. They dominated Europe for the first bit of the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    US and Philippines were forced to surrender to Japan, then taken as prisoners of the war. After they were captured they had to walk to a camp 70+ miles away in poor health conditions which lead to about 10 thousand of them dying. This was a huge loss to the US which took a beating in pearl harbour also
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    The Wannsee Conference was on January 20, it was a Conference in a villa outside of Berlin where Reinhard Heydrich had a plan to annihilate the European Jews or in other words “The Final Solution”. Cause German Nazi Officials and Hitler wanted to kill off all the jews. The Wannsee Conference was planned and it lead to the start of the Holocaust.
  • D-Day

    It was known as the biggest “amphibious” assault. The attack took part on the Normandy Beaches , France, aside from the navy ground and air troops were deployed. The main goal of this war was to push the Germans back east and gain back the chunk of Europe they had recently lost. They were victorious
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    This operation was suppose to end WW2, the plan for America was to bomb the capital of Germany, Berlin. it was suppose to kill of casualties and cause destruction that would ultimately force the Nazis to surrender.
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    It was the last major offensive attack that was led by the Germans in the west, luckily the allies were able to counter attack the Nazis. The goal was to stall the allies from acting in words to Germany. After this battle it put an end to the offence of Germany on the western front, which aloud the allies to attack Germany.
  • Battle of Iwo Jimma

    Battle of Iwo Jimma
    It was a 36 day battle that took place on the islands of Japan. It was a very destructive war with alot of US soldiers taking hits, with 7000 US marines dead and 20000+ wounded The battle happened after Pearl Harbour. The allies came out on top but suffered a great loss. They decided to switch their tactics, starting the atomic bomb.
  • VE day

    VE day
    This was the day that German military surrendered forces to their allies. This was done when the red soviet army launched an attack that ran from Baltic sea to the borders of Yugoslavia. It also ended WW2 in Europe
  • Liberation of constitution camps

    Liberation of constitution camps
    The first liberation started in 1944 as the allies started to battle through Germany. More camps were being liberated and the more thing the allies found, which led to war crime laws involving imprisonment. After the liberation Jews were freed from the camps and from Nazis tortures
  • Droppings of the Atomic bomb

    Droppings of the Atomic bomb
    The Americans dropped the first ever atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, repaying for what they did in Pearl Harbour. This event ended WW2 and changed the view on war forever
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    This was the day Japan surrendered, being the last standing force in the axis. Which meant the end of WW2. Japan made this call after the atomic bomb was dropped on them. There was lots of damage and destruction through Japan. It was a marked victory for the Germans