• Hitler Becomes Chancellor

  • Nuremberg Laws in effect against Jews

  • Italy into Ethiopia

  • Italy, Germany & Japan signed Anti-Comintern Pact, against Russia

  • Anschluss - Germany takes over Austria with no fighting.

  • Full invasion and takeover of Czechoslovakia.

  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

  • Germany invades Poland with Blitzkrieg warfare.

  • Britain Declares war on Germany

  • Battle of the Atlantic- Duration of the war

  • Canada declares war on Germany

  • Battle of Britain

  • Invasion of Soviet Union

  • Pearl Harbour Attack

  • Japanese-Canadian Internment

  • Battle of El Alamein

  • Battle Of Stalingrad

  • Dieppe Raid

  • Battle of Stalingrad

  • Italian Campaign

  • D-Day

  • Germany surrenders

  • Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

  • Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki