Jews and other non Aryan peoples were put into concentration camps until they were killed or died of starvation. -
Germany Invades Poland
This invasion is a big part of the reason why WWII was started. The Germans invaded Poland to make more living space for the German people. -
Stalin Attacks Finland
Military conflict between Finland and Soviet Union, because Stalin wanted to claim Finish territory -
Germany Attacks France
In 6 weeks from May 10th Germany defeated Allied forces with mobile operations. Brought land operations on the western front to an end until June 6th of 1944. -
Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain
Replaces Neville Chamberlain as British prime minister because of loss in confidence vote in House of Commons -
Battle of Britain
RAF Fighter Command claimed victory over German Luftwaffe. -
Hitler takes over Balkans
Hitler takes over the Balkan peninsula to aid Italy by attacking Romania and Bulgaria. -
Lend-Lease Act
Principle means for providing military aid to foreign nations during WWII. -
German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union
Code name operation Barbossa. Largest German military operation of WWII. Stooped due to harsh Russian winter conditions. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Japanese bombers bombed the Hawaiian naval base Pearl Harbor in retaliation to the US cutting off their oil supply. -
Japanese Internment Camps
The Japanese were sent to Internment camps for their "safe keeping" and so we knew they were not spies. Whilst this was happening people were ravaging their homes. -
Battle of Midway
Naval battle in the Pacific Theater. Known as the most stunning and decisive blow in naval warfare. -
An island in the Solomon islands. US vs. Japanese.Objective was to deny the Japanese use of the routes to threaten Allied supply routes. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle where Nazi Germany and it's allied forces fight against the Soviet Union for control of the city Stalingrad. Marked as one of the bloodiest battles in history. -
Battle of El Alamein
Battle that marked the watershed of the western desert campaign. -
Tehran Conferance
Strategy meeting of Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and F.D.R after the Soviet invasion of Iran to discussing opening a second front against Nazi Germany -
US invades French beach of Normandy to try and push German forces out of France. Many thousand US casualties, but overall a victory for the allied forces. -
Yalta Conference
Meeting of the head of US, UK, and Soviet Union to discuss post war Europe re-organization. -
F.D.R's Death
Died and left Vice President Harry S. Truman in charge of WWII fighting. -
Mussolini's assassination
Mussolini was shot by the communist partition Walter Audisio -
Hitler's Suicide
Hitler killed himself by gunshot. His body was supposedly burned from his commands before his death. His wife joined him by taking a cyanide. -
Potsdam Conference
Conference held between UK, US, and Soviet Union to discuss post war order, peace treaty issues, and counteracting the effects of the war. -
Bombing of Hiroshima
The US dropped the atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima. 3 days later they dropped the atomic bomb "Fat Man" on Nagasaki. -
MacArthers plans for Japan
Wanted to demilitarize Japan. Institute democratic government. Stripped Emperor of military powers. -
Formation of the U.N.
The United Nations was formed to try and develop peace throughout the world and prevent further world wars. -
Nuremberg Trials
A series of military tribunals to punish those who were responsible for actions during the Holocaust. -
Cold War
War of words and threats between the Soviet Union and the US. The US were challenging the Soviet Unions powers. -
Marshall Plan
An act to promote world peace and the general well-fare of the US -
Berlin Airlift
US soldiers flew over Berlin and dropped supplies to the people. -
Berlin Wall
A wall that physically and ideologically split Berlin. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union concerning American missile deployment in Italy and Turkey. Soviet Union retaliates with threats of launching Missiles from Cuban waters.