• Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    This was a treaty that was signed by 23 countries to end World War I and create peace between the countries. Germany could not represent itself in this meeting so the other countries made them pay huge war debt. This led to Germany wanting revenge on the treaty which along with the United States not going to the League of Nations would lead to the start of WWII.
  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    Germany reorganized after the Battle of Flanders and invaded France. After a week of intense fighting, powerful German formations broke through west and east of Paris. The French surrendered and the Germans occupied the north and west of the country and established the puppet Vichy government in the south and east.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    After the fall of France, Great Britain continued fighting. Hitler made planes to take down Great Britain by destroying and bombing all their planes. Great britans only hope was deciphering German messages, and telephone linked networks of aircraft spotters. This gave Great Britain intelligence on how to not get shot down and hold on a little longer until Hitler set aside his invasion planes for another day.
  • Lend Lease

    Lend Lease
    The Lend-Lease Act was a program that allowed the United States to lend or lease war supplies to countries that were vital to U.S. defense. It was made so the United States could support their allies and made it so were equipment could theoretically be returned and accounts settled later
  • Germans Invade Soviet Union -Operation Barbarossa

    Germans Invade Soviet Union -Operation Barbarossa
    The Germans attacked and Invaded Russia with a massive force. The Soviets tried to hold them off and keep fighting but they were outmatched and very surprised. The Germans used air crafts and ground forces to get these army groups besieging Leningrad, on the outskirts of Moscow, and beyond Kharkiv.
  • Normandy. Campaign - D-Day - Operation Overlord

    Normandy. Campaign - D-Day - Operation Overlord
    The united states and Great Britain knew they had to get rid of nazi germany to end WWII so they invade France. American and British troops landed in Normandy to disrupt German counterattacks. The weather and position on the beach made this attack a nightmare. The Americans finally pushed across the peninsula to secure that city ten days later after savage fighting. Here they reached ground suitable for mechanized warfare which positioned them for a breakout offensive.
  • Ardennes Alsace Campaign - Battle of the Bulge

    Ardennes Alsace Campaign - Battle of the Bulge
    The Allies started to close in on the German border so Germany tried surprising them and seizing the vital port of Antwerp. The Germans continued with this plan but America greatly delayed German advances. The Germans and Americans countered with this and had air and ground attacks while the other counter-attacked. The Americans got the German armor united to run low on fuel while the Americans were heavily reinforced which let them push Germany back to its original position.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was a meeting of Allied leaders to discuss the end of World War II and the postwar reorganization of Europe. It specifically said what each country would do after the war like Germany would be forced to surrender unconditionally, a reparation council would be located in Russia, and Poland’s borders would shift west.
  • Iwo Jima Campaign

    Iwo Jima Campaign
    The United States Marine Corps and Navy defeated the Imperial Japanese Army on the island of Iwo Jima. The United States came to Japan bombed them then the fighting happened on the ground and was very violent.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Japanese Surrender
    The allies issued Japan with an ultimatum and defining terms of surrender but the Japanese government ignored it. The United States answered this by dropping atomic bombs on Japan and a couple of days after led a very big air space battle. Shortly after japan agreed to the terms of the ultimatum and surrendered.