• Neutrality Act

  • Period: to

    Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles with conscription and remilitarizing the Rhineland

  • Japan conquered Chinese costal areas

  • Hitler braking his promise and taking all of Czechoslovakia

  • Germany invaded Poland, France and Britain, they declared war on Germany

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Battle of Britain

  • Period: to

    Lend Lease Act

  • U.S cut of trade and froze Japan's assets in the U.S

  • Period: to

    Pearl Harbor

  • the US and Britain Declare war on Japan

  • China declares war to Japan

  • Period: to

    Battle of Midway

  • Battle of Stalingrad

  • the Allies were also making progress in the central Pacific.

  • Invasion of Normandy

  • Period: to

    The Nuremberg Trials

  • liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp

  • Last Battle in Europe - Battle of Berlin

  • WW11 Ended in Europe

  • Japan Surrender

  • the Allies formed the United Nations (UN)

  • Paris Peace Treaties