
WWII Valentina Vásquez

  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    President Woodrow Wilson signed this act that required all men from ages 21-30, citizens from the United States to register in military service. 24,000 ,000 men registered, then many of these man where chosen at random and served in the army. This was created in order to have a strong military army to defeat the Central Power, 4,800,000 men served in WWI. It ended after WWI
  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
    In the 1920s Hitlers was becoming known outside the Nazi party. The leaders of these party saw him as arrogant, so to threaten them, Hitler resigned from the Party on July 11, 1921.This was seen as the end of the party so to bring him back he asked to be chairman and have dictatorial powers. The leaders voted for this request and gave just 1 vote against. So, 18 days later he was named leader of the Nazi Party.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    The intention of this pact was to prevent another World War. This pact outlawed war and wanted to settle peacefully. Initially, 15 nations signed this agreement on Paris, later 47 other nations joined. It was first tested after the Japanese invasion.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria, China in search of natural resources like oil, rubber, and lumber. China asked help from the League of Nations which demanded Japan to leave Manchuria but Japan did not do it. Then, it punished Japan with an economic sanction, but Japan did not pay it. This showed that the League of Nations had little credibility and lost its power.
  • Enabling Act of 1933

    Enabling Act of 1933
    An amendment that Hitler issued in German's constitution to become a dictator. This act enabled many laws that the constitution was against. Its formal name is "Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich". He gained support from the Centre's Party by promising support to catholics. Finally, this act won by 388 votes.
  • Neutrality Act 1935

    Neutrality Act 1935
    An act passed by the United States congress to prevent the involvement in wars and prohibit the export of war implements from the USA to foreign countries, unless they have export licenses. If the law was broken then there will be no protection at all, vessels or boats will be confiscated, there will be a 10,000 dollar fee, or be imprisoned for a few years.
  • Franklin Roosevelt 3rd Term

    Franklin Roosevelt 3rd Term
    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt won his third term election against Wendell Wilkie. He then won a 4th term but died starting it. He and his uncle Theodore Roosevelt are the only presidents that have served for 3 terms, and after this they launched the 22 amendment. It stated that "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice".
  • Lend Lease Program

    Lend Lease Program
    Was an act to promote the defense of the United States. It started by lending Britain resources to stop the Nazi-German expansion. He lended a lot of weapons, food, arms, and war materials. It then supplied China, France, and the Soviet Union.
  • A Philip Randolph’s March

    A Philip Randolph’s March
    A. Philip Randolph was a civil right leader. He organized a march in Washington to pressure the U.S. government to eliminate the armed forces and provide working opportunities for African Americans. In response, president Roosevelt created the "Executive Order 8802" on June 25, 1941, to prohibit ethnic or racial discrimination in the nation's defense industry. After this, Randolph decided to end the march.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
    War between USA and Japan was inevitable because both of them wanted to gained the status of a major power. Pearl Harbor was the main base for USA pacific fleets. Japanese saw that because it was in Hawaii, it was an easy target. It was a surprise for USA, it damaged more than 300 aircraft and killed 2,400 men at the Pearl Harbor. It seemed as a success for Japan but they could not completely destroy the Pacific Fleet.
  • Hitler declares war against USA

    Hitler declares war against USA
    Nazi-Germany declared war against the United States. Hitler promised his Axis partner Japan that Germany would join a war against the United States if they hurt Japan. Even though this not happened, USA declared war to strengthen the ties of the Axis and to hit the US right after their Pacific fleet had been dealt a massive blow. This was a bad choice because now, USA entered the European war and supported the United Kingdom.