• The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Hitler beats his competition and becomes the chancellor of Germany. Hitler comes into power
  • Hitler's plan for treaty

    Hitler's plan for treaty
    Hitler pledges to undo the Treaty of Versailles
  • The Axis

    The Axis
    Germany, Italy, Japan form pact known as the Axis powers
  • Italy Invades

    Italy Invades
    Ethiopia is invaded by Italy
  • Germany takes Austria

    Germany takes Austria
    Germany goes through with the annexation of Austria
  • Appeasement

    Germany Italy Great Britain and France sign the Munich Agreement
  • Appeasement is broken

    Appeasement is broken
    Germany breaks Munich Agreement and occupies the rest of the Czech lands
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Germany and the Soviet Union sign a Pact dividing Eastern Europe into spheres of influence
  • Poland is invaded

    Poland is invaded
    Germany decides to invade Poland
  • War is declared

    War is declared
    Honoring their support of Poland Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Poland is invaded again

    Poland is invaded again
    Poland is invaded again but this time by an allied country the Soviet Union
  • Phony war start

    Phony war start
    Known as the phony war because during the time it was going on almost no fighting happened
  • Phony war end

    Phony war end
    The war in which almost no fighting took place ended
  • Germany invades

    Germany invades
    Norway and Denmark are both invaded by Germany
  • France falls

    France falls
    Germany takes control over Paris after France falls
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Operation Sea Lion
    Code name for the plan for an invasion by Germany on the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain
  • Operation Sea Lion End

    Operation Sea Lion End
    The operation is a failure for the Germans and a victory for Great Britain
  • Kristallnacht

    The night of broken glass the day Germans destroyed Jewish owned businesses
  • Auschwitz

    A concentration camp made by the Germans to speed the process of the genocide on the Jewish
  • Battle of Britain Ends

    Battle of Britain Ends
    The Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom against the German Air Force attacks from the end of June 1940
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany breaks pact with the Soviet Union and invades
  • North African Campaign

    North African Campaign
    Campaigns fought in the Libyan and Egyptian deserts and in Morocco and Algeria and Tunisia
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The U.S. is attacked by surprise by the Japanese and pulled into the war
  • Battle of Midway Ends

    Battle of Midway Ends
    The turning point in the war
  • Battle of Stalingrad begins

    Battle of Stalingrad begins
    The battle between Germany and the Soviet Union for the Soviet's city of Stalingrad that lasted over a year
  • Battle of Stalingrad ends

    Battle of Stalingrad ends
    The long battle of Stalingrad finally ends after more than a year when the Germans finally retreat
  • D-Day

    Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    The beginning of the end
  • Hiroshima

    The day the first atomic bomb dropped
  • Nagasaki

    The day the second atomic bomb dropped leaving Japan no other choice
  • The End

    The End
    Japan is left with no other choice but to surrender they were unable to fight anymore