Allies Attack Italy
The Allies set a series of attacks in Italy against the line of Monte Cossino, and they attempted to outflank it with landings of Anzio. By the end of January a major Soviet offensive expelled German Armies from the Leningrad Region, this ended the longest siege in history. -
Hungary Might leave the axis
After Hungary threatens to leave the axis Germany occupies and compel the regent. -
Soviet Offensive
The Soviet offensive was halted by German Forces. This slowed Soviet operations in the Baltic Sea. By late may 1944 the Soviets had liberated Crimea. -
British Bomb Kolhn
British Bomb Kolhn bringing the war home to Germany for the first time. -
Allies liberate Rome
Allied troops liberate Rome. Within six weeks, Anglo-American bombers could hit targets in eastern Germany for the first time. -
Allies on Normandy Beach
British and US troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of France, opening a “Second Front” against the Germans. -
Soviet Launches major offensive
The Soviets launch a massive offensive in eastern Byelorussia (Belarus), destroying the German Army Group Center and driving westward to the Vistula River across from Warsaw in central Poland by August 1. -
Finland Leaves Axis
Finland concludes an armistice with the Soviet Union, leaving the Axis partnership. -
Germany Loses territory
After the war the Germans lost all pre-war territory that they had in 1937. -
Partisans capture Zagreb
Partisan units, led by Yugoslav Communist leader Josip Tito, capture Zagreb and topple the Ustasa regime. The top Ustasa leaders flee to Italy and Austria. -
Hitler Commits Suicide
Hitler commits suicide -
Germany Surrenders
Germany surrenders to the western Allies -
Atomic Bomb
The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima -
Japan Surrenders
After the atomic bomb Japan finally Surrendered. -
Allies establish a occupation administration
The Allies established an occupation administration on Germany and Austria.