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  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Image Cited Cited Work <u>What Happened:</u>
    Hitler's popularity is on the rise and he promises of lebensraum to widen Germany's rule; Germany invades Poland.
    This is the first strike of aggression that will ultimately lead to WWII, making it the spark of the war.
    WWII starts.
    WWII is sparked.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Image CitedCited Work <u>What Happened:</u>
    Hitler trys to invade Britain, causing Churchill to come into power because he didn't trust Hitler unlike the last PM. Germany bombs Britain until mid September.
    Hitler brings the UK into the war.
    Hitler postpones Britain's invasion.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Image CitedCited Work <u>What Happened:</u>
    Nazi Germany begins a massive invasion of the USSR, breaking the non-aggression pact.
    Germany pulls Russia into the war and Russia becomes one of the Allies.
    Germany expands its territory towards Moscow, but is stopped by the winter.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    Image Cited
    Cited Work <u>What Happened:</u>
    Germany advances towards Moscow in attempt to take over the USSR, only to turn and attack Stalingrad.
    Germany's poor decision allowed Russia to recover from it's attacks, leading ultimatly to Germanys failure of taking the Eastern Front.
    Russia is sucessful.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Cited Image
    Work Cited <u>What Happened:</u>
    Germany attacked the Russian city of Stalingrad.
    Russia opened a big old can of butt-whoopin on Germany because they were dumbs and let Russia prepare.
    German forces retreat.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    Cited Image
    Work Cited <u>What Happened:</u>
    Germany attacked Kursk. However, Russia was aware of their plans; they reserved large forces and set up good defence.
    One of the biggest and greatest battles in history that lead to the largest amount of casualties in a single day.
    The Nazi's lost more than half of the tanks they went in with.
  • D-Day

    Video Cited
    Work Cited
    Cited Image <u>What Happened:</u>
    Allied troops fight for Normandy.
    It allowed Allied troops to start marching towards Nazi Germany and kicked butts.
    Allied forces begin their march towards Nazi Germany after success.
  • Battle of The Bulge

    Battle of The Bulge
    Cited Image
    Work Cited <u>What Happened:<u/>
    Hitler's plan to counterstrike on the allies to change the course of the war on the Western Front.
    The people of Nazi deathcamps were liberated, also the last offense of Germany in WWII.
    Germany lost over 100,000 soldiers, and lost.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Image Cited
    Work Cited <u>What Happened:</u>
    The allies attacked Berlin.
    The battle showed that Germany was not ready to give up. If it wasn't for this battle the war would of been extended and many more battles would of been fought.
    The German parliament fell to the allies.
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    Hiroshima & Nagasaki
    Image CitedWork Cited <u>What Happened:</u>
    The US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki,
    Tells Japan that the US has the strength to fight Japan and that they will if they must.
    Virtually ends the war, but stirs up much controversy.