

  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    The very first events that led to World War II occurred in 1931. One of the main events was Japan invading Manchuria. Japan was attempting to gain control of this mass of land. The long term goal of Japan was to gain control of all of East Asia. This would lead to a huge advantage of power and resources.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy Sign a Treaty

    Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy Sign a Treaty
    The formation of the Nazi and Fascist parties begins. After forming in two separate parts of Europe, the two decided to join together. While Italy fought with the allies in WWI; they were not satisfied with their territories. The Nazis had the goal of controlling all of Europe under a strict rule. Therefore, the two countries signed a treaty.
  • World War II in the Pacific Begins

    World War II in the Pacific Begins
    In 1937, Japan made the move to invade China. This was to continue the goal of controlling all of Asia. This is the war that started it all. It was the first form of battle of World War II. Japan quickly turned a small incident into a full scale war.
  • The War Begins in Europe

    The War Begins in Europe
    Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia signed a treaty a year earlier that stated that they were allies. Germany continued to attempt to reach its main goal by invading Poland in 1939. This was the first event of the war to occur in Europe. Following the German invasion of Poland, the Soviet Union attacked from the east. Poland had no choice but to surrender.
  • Germany, Italy, and Japan

    Germany, Italy, and Japan
    In 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan decided to sign a treaty. The treaty was given the name "Tripartite Pact." This agreement basically stated that if any significant event were to take place against one of the three countries, the other two were there to back it up. This is also known as mutual assistance. The Tripartite Pact was a very significant event of World War II.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    At this time of World War II, the United States was neutral; meaning they were not part-taking in the fighting. On a quiet Sunday morning, Japan decided to attack the US's largest Naval Base. The element of surprise completely shocked the country. Japan felt that the United States posed as a threat. Over 2500 people lost their lives and 1283 were wounded. The US also lost four battle ships, two destroyers, as well as 11 other ships.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    Only a day after Japans' surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt declared war. He delivered a speech on December 8, 1941, that would change the world forever. While the speech was rather short, it was perhaps the most important speech a president has ever given. Americans remember this speech as the “Day of Infamy" speech.
  • Germany Declares War

    Germany Declares War
    It was only a matter of days after the US declared war on Japan that Germany declared war on the United States. Now not only would the United States be involved with the war in Asia, but in Europe as well. The US would eventually defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany on a day known as D-day or V - E Day. V - E Day stands for victory in Europe.
  • Atomic Bombs Change the World

    Atomic Bombs Change the World
    1945 is the most crucial year of World War II. Earlier in the year, Hitler surrendered to the United States and took his own life. However, while the problems in Europe were officially over, Japan still posed a threat. Roosevelt created the Manhattan Project to create atomic bombs for use in the war. Two bombs were dropped; one on Hiroshima; and the other on Nagasaki.
  • World War II Comes to an End

    World War II Comes to an End
    After more than ten years of battles and violence; World War II had finally ended. The United States proved to be the strongest nation by being victorious. Billions of dollars in damage was spread throughout the world. In all; more than 60 million individuals had lost their lives. Majority were civilians. However, there would be peace on Earth once more.