Japan invades Manchuria
Italy invades Ethiopia
Germany + Italy sign treaty
Germany + Japan sign treaty
Japan invades China
Germany annexes Austria -
Appeasement of Sudetanland
France signs armistice
Germany now occupies France -
Non-aggresion agreement
Germany and Soviet Union sign a treaty -
Invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland -
Period: to
This means war!
France and Great Britain declare war on Germany -
Italy enters the war
Tripartite Pact
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign a treaty -
Battle of Britain
Great Britain stops Germany's attack -
Invasion of the Union
The Axis invades the Soviet Union -
U.S. declares war on Japan
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
Japan stopped Midway
Allies successfully land at Normandy -
Allies free Paris
Berlin is encircled
Hitler commits suicide
Germany surrenders
Atomic bomb on Hiroshima
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Japan surrenders