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By jwoo_13
  • Period: to

    WWI Cause - Mutual Defense Alliances

    Over time, European countries made mutual defense agreements that would draw them into battle. If one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them. Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, France and Russia, Britain and France and Belgium, and Japan and Britain were allies before World War I.
  • WWI Cause - Archduke Franz Ferdinand's Assassination

    WWI Cause - Archduke Franz Ferdinand's Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in the streets of Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian Black Hand. His death results in Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
  • WWI Event - U.S. Proclaims Neutrality

    WWI Event - U.S. Proclaims Neutrality
    President Woodrow Wilson declares that the United States is neutral as WWI erupts in Europe. This decision was what a majority of Americans favored. []
  • WWI Event - U.S. Enters War

    WWI Event - U.S. Enters War
    U.S. declares war against Germany after the sinking of three U.S. merchant ships by German boats. Congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. The United States enters WWI on the side of France and Britain.
  • WWI Consequences - Treaty of Versailles

    WWI Consequences - Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles formally ended WWI. It was an instrument of vengeance against the Central Powers, and dissatisfaction over its terms left the defeated nations full of revenge.
  • WWI Consequence - Facism

    WWI Consequence - Facism
    The economic collapse and political instability caused by WWI led to the rise of facism in Europe in WWII. The Nazis were determined to establish a German Empire though war and conquest. The Nazi version of facism was to reverse the Treaty of Versailles, which took lots a land from Germany.
  • WWII Event - Beginning of the World War

    WWII Event - Beginning of the World War
    Hitler invades Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France declare war on Germany two days later.
  • WWII Event - U.S. Enters the War

    WWII Event - U.S. Enters the War
    Just before 8 a.m., hundreds of Japanese fighter planes bombed an American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese destroyed 20 American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships and more that 300 airplanes. More than 2,000 American soldiers and sailers died that day. []
  • WWII Consequence - Change in Powers

    WWII Consequence - Change in Powers
    After WWII, two superpowers emerged, Russia and the United States. They both had a strong economy, an overpowering military, immense international political power, and strong national ideology.
  • WWII Consequence - United Nation was officially established

    WWII Consequence - United Nation was officially established
    The United Nations, aka U.N., is an international peacekeeping organization aimed at promoting harmony between nation-states and preventing war.