
WWI Veteran Timeline project

  • Period: to

    Vladimir Dragomirov's lifespan

    from birth to death
  • Vladimir joined Imperial army

    Vladimir joined Imperial army
    Vladimir dragomirov joined the imperial army. he joined in in 1909. he worked as the district quarter master.
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  • beggining of WWI

    beggining of WWI
    Vladimir had joined the imperial army before the war. he was not super high in rank such as a general yet but later on in the war he will be a general.
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  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Germany declared war on russia (the army Vladimir is in). therefore causing ww1 to get even larger. turning it from an average war to a World War.
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  • tsar Nicholas II took control over Russia's armies.

    tsar Nicholas II took control over Russia's armies.
    The tsar gained controll of RUSSIA'S armies. there fore taking control of our main man Vladimir Dragomirov. this was a big change since the year had been going on for over a year and he got the army handed to him.
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  • Vladimir Dragomirov was chosen to be a tsarist general.

    Vladimir Dragomirov was chosen to be a tsarist general.
    Vladimir served as a general for most of WWI. his father and brother were also Tsariswt generals in WWI. as a general he had command of different war fronts.
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  • february revolutions start

    february revolutions start
    the february revolution ended up putting Vladimir in charge of a big War front.he was put in charge of the armies to try and stop the revolution.
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  • The U.S.A. declares war against Dueschland

    The U.S.A. declares war against Dueschland
    the United States declares war against germany. after germany attacked and sunk a boat of ours we declared war on them. we were part of the same alliance as Russia and the imperial army.
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  • put in command of the northern front

    put in command of the northern front
    Vladimir Dragomirov was put in charge of the northern front. after being a general for so long they put him in charge of the northern front.
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  • Vladimir Dragomirov put in charge of the northern front armies

    Vladimir Dragomirov put in charge of the northern front armies
    after posting regimint in Galacia and in Vohlynia he was put in charge of the northern front. he had already been in charge of other war fronts and now he is put in a larger fight.
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  • Vladimir suceeded in the southwestern front.

    Vladimir suceeded in the southwestern front.
    Vladimir was put in charge of the southwestern front in 1917. he took after antonn denikin. he left this battle with a few wounds. link 1
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  • took a leadership role in the anti-bolshevik white forces.

    took a leadership role in the anti-bolshevik white forces.
    in november 1918 Vladimir Dragomirov joined the Anti-bolsheviks. he got here by working with the with the october revolution. this put him at the head of the bolshevik administration in november.
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    href='' >link 2</a> sorry, something messed up with the links.
  • end of WWI

    end of WWI
    with Vladimir Dragomirov still in charge of Kiev the war has ended. later the polish army will attack kiev and potentionally kill Vladimir. he is still alive.
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  • appointed military governer

    appointed military governer
    he was appointed as a military governer at Kiev in october 1919. since his father and his brother were genrals they trusted him. he was a very goog leader and wona battle at the southern front.
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  • Vladimir presumed dead

    Vladimir presumed dead
    Vladimir Dragomirov was presumed dead after Kiev fell to the Polish army. his body was never found but the military guessed he was dead after recieving several wounds before hand. link 1
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  • Kiev falls to polish forces.

    Kiev falls to polish forces.
    After polish forces attacked kiev taking over the land. this is also where Vladimir was presumed dead but his body was never found.
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