WWI Veteran Timeline

  • The Assassination or Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination or Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Bosnia by a Bosnian Serb nationalist. The Archduke was there to inspect the imperial armed forces. The plan was hatched by young nationalists and 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip shot the royal couple killing them both. This was the spark that started the fire known as WWI.
  • The Lusitania is Sunk

    The Lusitania is Sunk
    A German U-boat sinks the Lusitania. The sinking resulted in nearly 1,200 total deaths. Of the deaths, nearly 128 were American. This was the unofficial cause for the U.S. joining the war.
  • The U.S. Declares War on Germany

    The U.S. Declares War on Germany
    The U.S. declares war on Germany. President Woodrow Wilson signed the declaration of war. With the submarine warfare and the Germans trying to form an alliance with Mexico against the U.S. The U.S. was ready to fight.
  • Frank W. Buckles Enlists in the U.S. Army

    Frank W. Buckles Enlists in the U.S. Army
    Frank Woodruff Buckles enlisted in the U.S. Army. I chose the WWI veteran Frank Woodruff Buckles. He would go through basic training and later head off to Europe. He would become an ambulance driver helping those who were in need of medical assistance.
  • The U.S. Enters the Front Line Trenches.

    The U.S. Enters the Front Line Trenches.
    U.S. Troops enter the front line trenches for the first time. They entered this new style of fighting with little understanding. The Doughboys (Front line ambulance drivers/ medical helpers. Like Frank W. Buckles would have experienced.) were there ready to help. The U.S. quickly became a powerful force.
  • Influenza Outbreak Kills Millions

    Influenza Outbreak Kills Millions
    There was an outbreak of influenza. This started out with millions of people getting fevers for 3 days. This disease surfaced again claiming around 16 million lives. People either died within hours of symptoms or after a few days their lungs filled with fluid and they suffocated. This was likely something that Frank W. Buckles would have dealt with a lot.
  • The U.S. Leads Their First Offensive.

    The U.S. Leads Their First Offensive.
    The U.S. leads their first offensive in the war in the battel of St. Mihiel. It was very successful. The U.S. was able to successfully push the Germans back into Germany. They lacked some tactical help from the French and British. Nonetheless, it was still good support and was a win for the Allies. This would be a critical time for Doughboys like Frank W. Buckles because quick medical assistance would be needed.
  • Armistice is Agreed Upon

    Armistice is Agreed Upon
    Armistice is agreed upon with Germany ceasing fire. Other Armistice had happened between other countries, but this one stopped fire with Germany. A peace conference would happen shortly after with intention of stopping the war. A request by the Germans for an armistice was declined prior to this.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles is Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany and the Allies in The Palace of Versailles. This was a peace treaty declaring the end of the war. This treaty gave Germany the demands of the Allies for the damages caused during the war. This would become a big factor in the build-up to WWII.
  • A Peace Treaty is Signed Between the U.S. and Germany

    A Peace Treaty is Signed Between the U.S. and Germany
    A peace treaty is signed between the United States and Germany. After the war, The Treaty of Versailles was signed, but the U.S. Senate did not consent. This caused a separate treaty to be made with the U.S. and Germany. Ratifications were exchanged in Berlin and the treaty was in effect the same day. This would be the official end of the war meaning an end of WWI trench warfare on the front lines for Frank W. Buckles.