Assasination/ leads to war
Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip assassinates Franz Ferdinand, ruler of Austria Hungry, soon after on July 28, 1914 Austria Hungay ddeclairs war on Serbia. -
Period: to
Trench warfare
Austrailia's recruting
Australia started recruting soilders on this day, in the beggining of the recrutment stage, the Austrailan army only accepted those who were men, between 18 & 44, and needed to be the biggest and the strongest. This changed as the war progressed. -
Australia's home crisis
For the first year of the war starting on this day, the Australian government took citizens out of their homes to give to the soilders when they returned home, there was enough houses to house every soilder in the Ausstrailian army, every soilder casualty gave a citizens home back. This lasted for a year. -
Ottoman Empire
The otttoman empire, one of the worlds greatest Islamic powers, was no longer willing to remain nutral, so they declaired a holy war on France, Russia, and Great Britain. -
First use of poisonous gas
Chemical wepons where used in WWI, these wepons would burn its victums from the inside, mostly in the lungs. Today these gasses are banned from combat. -
Australia's defeat at Gallipoli
Australia trys to take Gallipoli to secure a new territory, Australia is defeated. -
The battle of the Somme
General Haig and his Brittish army of 100,000 men planed for an easy win against the French at the Somme, but on this day, 57,470 of the Brittish forces where killed, but the persistant general turned a 1 day fight into a long battle. -
End of the Somme
The long Battle of the Somme ends because of bad weather, over 200,000 British soilders had been killed. -
Zimmerman Note
Germany sends Mexico a telegram, which asks them to form an alliance to take America. In return Germany would help Mexico to conquer a part of America to keep. -
Woodrow Wilson learns about the Zimmermann Telegram
The 28 president of the United States Woodrow Wilson recives notice of the Zimmermann Telegram and decides to start arming the ships to fight against any German attacks. -
News of the Zimmermann telegram spreds
Woodrow Wilson puts the telegram public. Nutralists belived that Wilson made-up the telegram as propaganda to enter the war. Two days after the spred of the news the unasurance is put to rest when Zimmermann admits to writing the telegram. -
America joins the war!!!
News of Zimmermann's confesion spreds and scares most Americans, Wilson declares war. -
Mexico's refusal
Mexico declines the Zimmermann telegram. -
Germany surrenders
Treaty of Versailles
The allied nations signed the Treaty of Versailles