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Major Points in WWI for the World and James Campbell

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Austria-Hungary waited until the german leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II agreed to support them to start the war. Austria-Hungary was worried that Russia would involve France and Great Britain. Kaiser Wilhelm II pledged his support in secret. He also gave Austria-Hungary a blank check as assurance.
  • The Eastern Front

    The Eastern Front
    Russia attempted to invade the German territories in Poland and east Prussia. Germany stopped the attack but this split the german army into two parts making the advance on france more difficult. This caused the Schlieffen plan to fail. It also caused the war to be longer and more gruesome.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Throughout the war, Russia suffered many defeats and lost a lot of money. the loss of money caused the Russians to have a difficult time finding food and resources. This caused the people to be angry at the leaders of Russia.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    Great Britain and France Confront the invading German army. germany was about 30 miles from paris. The French and British armies successfully pushed the Germans back north of the Aisne River. this ended the the German plan for a quick invasion of france and both sides dug trenches.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    The allies had been at a stalemate for a long time. after a failed attack at Dardanelles, the Allies, led by Britain, launched a large scale invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula. This attack ultimately failed.
  • America Enters the War

    America Enters the War
    America tried to stay neutral as long as it could. The people didn't want to fight a war. Germany made it difficult not to join the war because of its unchecked submarine warfare. Germany sank many U.S. commercial ships and a couple passenger ships. One British passenger ship named the Lusitania turned the tide in public opinion because over 100 Americans were on the ship. This eventually caused America to join the war.
  • Second Battle of Marne

    Second Battle of Marne
    After the armistice with Russia, Germany was able to build up its army again. The Allies were barely holding on until the american reinforcements arrived. With the Allies struggling germany launched an attack but with French, American and even some left over British troops, Germany couldn't defeat them. The Allies even started to push back Germany. Germany was forced to call off all offensive operations in the north. this is the ultimate battle that turned the tide of the war.
  • 12th Battle of Isonzo

    12th Battle of Isonzo
    The battles of Isonzo were all eventually stalemates. At the twelfth Austria-Hungary had achieved victory. They were assisted by German reinforcements. after the twelfth Italy's Allies jumped in and the Allies started to take back the eastern front.
  • James Campbell is Injured for the First Time

    James Campbell is Injured for the First Time
    He slipped on some mud in an trench. His rifle was behind him and he landed on it. his rifle cracked two of his spine vertebrae. he continued to do his chores and ceep watch even though he was in excruciating pain.
  • James Campbell is Taken to the Infirmary

    James Campbell is Taken to the Infirmary
    The field medic discovered that he had a lung hemorrhage. He was taken to the infirmary. He bled for 11 hours. The Medics didn't find his cracked Vertebrae.
  • WWI Ended

    WWI Ended
    The Turks were suffering many major defeats and this combined with an Arab revolt destroyed the ottoman economy. This caused turkey to sign with the allies shortly after. Austria- Hungary was falling apart because of multiple nationalists movements. With almost no resources on the battlefield Austria-Hungary finally surrendered. Eventually Germany was forced to surrender also because they lost all their Allies but Germany wouldn't surrender for a while.
  • The Night James Campbell's group was Assigned Guard Duty

    The Night James Campbell's group was Assigned Guard Duty
    His group of people were assigned to a bridge at a German border. they were supposed to guard the bridge. The experience was very scary for him because there were Germans on the other side of the bridge. he was still in great pain due to his cracked vertebrae.
  • James Campbell is taken to the Hospital

    James Campbell is taken to the Hospital
    He was sent to the hospital because he got sick and was in pain. They found out he had Tonsilitis, Scabies, and a bad hip. This trip was long overdue because of his broken vertebrae that he had been suffering from for two and a half months. If he had been cared for earlier the healing process would have been sped up by a lot.
  • Treaty of Versailles was Signed

    Treaty of Versailles was Signed
    The allies stated there ideas for a safeguard against further conflict. Hopeful people started calling WWI the war to end all wars. Nations that suffered from war guilt wouldn't join the league of nations. Germany felt tricked into signing the treaty. As time passed hatred of the treaty grew.
  • James Campbell was Honorably Discharged

    James Campbell was Honorably Discharged
    He was discharged at Camp Sherman Chillicothe, Ohio. He was given multiple medals for being injured during battle and for bravery in front of the enemy and bravery on the battlefield. He had to spend a lot of time at Veteran Hospitals to heal his wounds. He paid very close attention to the war while he was at home.