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Unit 3 WWI Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    WWI Timeline

  • Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated
    On June 28th Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by the black hand. After his assassination, Austria-Hungary would declare war on Serbia marking the official start to WWI.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    When Archduke Ferdinand, and his wife were assassinated by the "Black Hand" they were given no choice but to declare war on Serbia. They wanted to go to war with Serbia because of the Archduke's death.
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    The Battle of Mons takes place in Mons Belgium with a British force that numbers around 75,000, to 150,000 Germans in an attempt to capture the Mons-Conde Canal. The British were overpowered by the Germans and forced to retreat, Making the Germans the victor in this war.
  • Battle of Tannenburg

    Battle of Tannenburg
    It was revenge for the 1410 conflict in which the Poles crushed the Teutonic Knights, this would be the biggest win for Russia. They were fighting on the Eastern Front of the war.
  • The Christmas Truce of 1914

    The Christmas Truce of 1914
    On Christmas eve, some German soldiers were singing Christmas carols in their trenches. The British responded to singing too. The German told them that "You no fight, we no fight". Some German soldiers and some British soldiers emerged from their trenches and they shook hands. They exchange food, chocolate, tobacco, and cognac. In some other places they began to play soccer.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915 A German submarine torpedoed the British passenger linen Lusitania. Germany stated that the warnings towards outsiders traveling in the war zone. 1,200 people perished including 128 Americans. The U.S. demanded the Germans to put an end to the unarmed attacks on passenger ships.
  • Western Front at Verdun

    Western Front at Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun is the longest battle of WWI. The Germans used total war to drain the French Army of it's soldiers. Nobody won the war. It ended on December 18th, 1916.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The battle of Jutland was the biggest Naval conflict. It is at the coast of Denmark, it mark the one and only time German and British soldiers ships fight. After German forces attack the Royal Navy, around 250 ships and 100,000 men take part in this gruesome battle. There was no clear victor, Britain was able to secure the North Sea shipping, to block the Germans from getting more supplies. This decision would ultimately lead to the allies winning the war.
  • The battle of The Somme

    The battle of The Somme
    The British launched an attack in Somme River area to pull German troops away from Verdun. Both sides lost many troops; the British suffered 19,000 casualties on the first day of fighting. Over 1 million casualties at the end of the 5 month battle. The battle ended in November.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was asking Mexico to join Germany when the U.S. joins the war. Mexico refused to join the war prompting the U.S. to intercept the telegram. The
    U.S. were outraged and this lead to them declaring them to go to join the war.
  • U.S. Involvement in WWI

    U.S. Involvement in WWI
    The U.S. Army was not prepared to join the war. They used the selective service Act to get more troops into the war. When the U.S. showed up it was a turning point in the war and it helped the allies gain the advantage to victory.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution of 1917 forced Russia to leave the war. Vladimir Lenin leads the communist Bolsheviks. They signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovisk with Germany in 1918. Officially pulled Russia (AKA U.S.S.R.) out of WWI. The Eastern Front fighting was over.
  • Armistice

    The official end to fighting on the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month. It officially ended on November 11,1918. This caused the empires to split up. New nations formed, boundaries of countries changed, and world economy damages.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28th of June 1919. It officially ended the 1st World War. Many historians believe that the Treaty was a major cause of the 2nd World War. Most Germans were angry with the strictness of the Treaty, they felt they were unfairly targeted. Some Germans called for revenge of the humiliation of Versailles.
  • The War guilt Clause

    The War guilt Clause
    Germany accepted full responsibility for starting the war. Germany agreed to pay for all the damages caused by the country's armies during the war. Demilitarized Germany army by 100,000. No more subs, tanks, planes, and no troops in the Rhineland.