WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand got assasinated in Sarajevo,Bosnia. He was assasinated by 19 year-old,Bosnian Serb Gavrilo Princip.
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Events of WWI

    Germany invades Belgium. Britain Declares war on Germany
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Allies attack the Ottoman Empire
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    the Lusitania sank by a German submarine .1,195 poeple were killed. Partial reason U.S. joined the War.
  • Events of WWI

    Bulgaria declares was on Serbia.
  • Events of WWI

    A battle between Germany and France. Germany knew France was allies with Russia so they attacked
  • Events of WWI

    The biggest Naval battle of Jutlan is fought between Germany and Britain
  • Events of WWI

    The Battle of Somme begins. millions were killed
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    This is about James woosley and he was in WWI and WWII. when he was 17 the volunteered to go into WWI. James said " you were -- you werent handed a gun, you were thrown one. and if you didnt catch it you were out..."
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    After he volunteered they left the United States and headed North of England. Ther was nonstop rain and mud, and they didnt have cars, but they had horses to walk with, and carry supplies.
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    They were in Germany, the Black forest and they basically had to sleep in the mud, and eat in the mud. they were told to move on cause they were about to get attacked and gassed, and they didnt know when or where.
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    After they divided the group, James wasnt in the group that got gassed, but he saw the clouds and smelt it but the wind was blowing it away.
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    Two days later from the last event, soldiers have been burned alive by the gas attack.James ordered them to move on and fight and showed them they couldnt kill the them without getting away with it.
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    When they found out the Germans were going to attack, they had to get all of the Wagons full of ammunition out. So General Pershing got the wagons out in about 6 weeks.
  • WWI Timeline - James Woolsey

    When they found out the Germans were going to attack, they had to get all of the Wagons full of ammunition out. So General Pershing got the wagons out in about 6 weeks.
  • Events of WWI

    the british inturupted the Zimmerman Telegram. This led to war between Germany and the U.S.
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    U.S. enters the war on Germany. The Submarine attacks and the sinking of boats.
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Russians make peace with the Central powers and exit the war.
  • Events of WWI

    Woodrow Wilson issues his "fourteen points" for peace
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Germany agrees the Fighting comes to an end 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month
  • Events of WWI

    Events of WWI
    Germany signs The Treaty of Versailles. WWI is over