Franco-Prussian War
The war started in 1870 and ended in 1871 resulting in a French defeat and Alsace and Lorraine were taken by Prussia -
Whilhelm II
Whilhem II's father dies and he becomes the ruler of Germany. -
Kiffin Rockwell is Born
Manfred von Richthofen (Red Baron) is Born
First Flight
The wright brothers develop and fly the very first sucessful heavier-than-air aircraft. -
Russo- Japenese War
Starting in 1905 and ending in 1904, this war ended in a major defeat for Russia and civil unrest. -
Moroccan Crisis
This included the Tangler Crisis (1905-1906) and the Agadir crisis in 1911.These were both provoked by the germans to tensions between France and Britain. -
Entente Cordiale
After fear of Germany's increase in military power, Great Britain, France, and Russia allied to become the Entente Cordiale. -
Bosnian Annexation Crisis
Austria-Hungary decided to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina which were opposed by Serbia. -
First powered aircraft to cross the english channel
Louis Blèriot was the first man to cross the English channel by an powered airplane. -
Italo-Turkish War
This War lasted from 1911 to 1912 which was a defeated for the Ottoman Empire. -
Balkan Wars
Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria formeda large alliace that completely stripped the Ottoman Empire clean of their possesions. -
Airplanes in the Beginning of the War.
Aircraft were considered usless and impractical by the beginning of the war and were only flown for observation. -
Trench Warfare
The Trenches in WWI were useful for cover but the people in them lived in terrible conditions. Feces was piled up on one side of the trench and the floors of the trench were often wet and muddy causing foot disease, molds and infection. Soldiers often built fires in the walls of trenches and once and a while fell bcak to have a warm meal. No Man's land was the battlfied inbetween trenches and if you got out of your trench you would be dead in seconds. -
Western Front
The Western fornt was the main battlefield of WWI which is mainly located on the border between France and Germany. Nuetral countries inbetween did not fight, but had battles on them between the Aliies and the Triple Entente. The Western fornt included trench, aircraft, and tank warfare. -
Eastern Front
The Eastern front was very different from the Western front. The Eastern front was at the Russia/ Austria-Hungarian border were horses were used more invasions took place. -
The War at Sea
Germany and Britain were competing for the best navy during WW1. Germany knew it couldn't win against the British, so they attacked supply ships instead. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused a major commotion and was one of the main causes of WWI. -
U-Boats at the Start of WWI
Germany had 29 U-boats at the start of the war and sank 5 British cruisers during the first 10 weeks in action. -
World War 1 Begins
Battle of Heligoland Bight
First major naval battle of WWI between Britian and Germany in the German North Sea port off of the German coast. Britain destroys 3 light cruisers, damages 3 more, and 1200 German Sailors lose their lives with only 35 British sailors lost. Germany decides to use their light cruiser for future defense near home ports only in the future and not in the open sea. -
First Battle of Marnes
The battle was fought to the North and East of Paris. It was the first battle to use radio intercepts and automotive transport of troops in the war. This battle starts the beginning of Trench Warfare. This was a victory for England and France and was known as the race to the sea. -
Christmas Truce
In 1914, Germans started to sing cristmas songs and come out of their threnches. Wehn the French and British heard this they came out onto No Man's Land and traded gifts. This scared the Generals so much it never happended again. -
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Begins
Germany declared the aea around the British Isles a warzone and that they would sink anyone they saw. -
Battle of Gallipoli
British, French and Austrailian troops attempt a major land invasion of the Gallipoli peninsula and failed with heavy casualties. An unsuccesful attempt by allied powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia. -
The Lusitainia was sunk by a german U-Boat on May 7, 1915. 1,201 people died which caused Woodrow Wilson to write a letter Germany demanding a stop to attacking unarmed merchant ships. -
Eleven Battles of Isonzo
Italy enters the war and fights for 3 years in the Isonzo. General Cadorna fights against Austri-Hungary trying to create a pathway to Vienna.After 11 attemps to get control, they are defeated by the Central powers when Germany sends help. -
First Tank to be Manufacted
Unrestricted Sumbarine Warfare Temporarily Stops
Woodrow Wilson letter caused Germany to stop the sinking of merchants ships worked. Germany set strict guidles for there submarines and amost stopped it completly. -
Tank Modifications
10 days after tracks fell off in front of the goverment officals during a test, Wilson called a meeting in London to make a more reliable tank. They aggreed to have 10-mm frontal armour, 8-mm side armour, a crew of eight and a 57mm naval cannon. -
Big Willie First Run
Big Willie was first launched on Janurary 16th, 1916 with the new specification created by the London Conference. -
Battle of Verdun
The battle takes place on the Western Front begining with the French fortress around Verdun. The Germansalmost take Verdun but are pushed back by the French in july. By december there are mor than 600,000 thousand casualties. This battle pushed back and forth for ten months and niether side gained any land. -
U-Boats in NC Outer Banks
During WWI, submarines were so close to America, that people near or on the Outer Banks could hear the explosions of torpedoes and could see some Submarine Activity. -
Gas & Chemical Weapons
Gas played a large role in WWI causing over 90,000 deaths from all countries. In the beggining of the war Tear Gas was used in small amounts but it never played a large effect on fatalities. Most fataltes were cuased by gases later in the war like Chlorine and Mustard Gas. Chlorine burned the airways and eyes which eveuntally led to death while Mustard gas dissolved the skin and lungs and was considered the most dreaded chemical in the war. -
First Enemy Plane Shot Down by American
Kiffin Rockwell shoots down the first enemy plane in may, 1916. -
Battle of Jutland
This was the only major naval battle in WWI between German and British forces. Both sides claimed victory, but Brtain remained in control of the North Sea. It involved 250 shuips and 100,000 thousand men. -
Tanks into Action
Tanks are sent to England and are officially put into action. It took time to teach the crews since they had so many problems the first day. One month later that were attacking with 50+ tanks. -
Kiffin Rockwell's Death
Kiffin and his Nieuport is shot down by a German plane on Spetember 23, 1916. -
Zimmerman Telegram
This was a telegram intercepted by the British that read about the restart of unrestricted submarine warfare and an alliance bewwen Germany and Mexico. -
Russian Revolution
Czar Nicholas II was overthrown by unhappy Russian citizens and radicals becuase Russia lost many lives in WWI and theeconomy was badly damaged. On March 8th, 1917, workers in Petrograd rioted with police in a strike. On March 11th, 1917, the Russian troops. joined them when Nicholas dissoved the Russian Parilment. On March 15th, Nicholas gave up the throne and a temporary government was formed. On November 6th 1917, Bolshivik revolutionaries took over the government led by Vladimir Lenin. -
Unrestricted Sumbarine Warfare Starts Again
The navy and army convince Whilhelm II to restarte the unrestricted submarine warfare and gave the possiblity for a German victory against the British. This was one of the final reasons why the U.S. joined the war. -
U.S. Joins the War
Due to the return of unrestricted submarine warfare, the U.S. joins the war 2 days later. -
Contributions of America
America alone had a population of 90 million people for the posiblity for a major army and produced 3 times the steel Germany and Austia did, and produced lots of supplies for the Allies on the Western Front. In 1918, 584,000 American's were sent to fight with the Allies. -
Battle of Caporetto
A victory for the central powers during WWI. Italian line holds up near the Piave river with help from the British and French. There are 300,000 casualties and contributes to the formation fo the Allied Supreme War Council. -
Battle of Cambrai
The battle of Cambrai saw the first tank attack in history and the first pre-mapping of artillery. Not much land was aquired by either side because the Germans counter-attacked with blitzkrieg. -
Wilson's Fourteen Points
Wilson gave a speech in 1918 in which he made 14 points that should be required for peace. These were used as a basis for the peace agreement between Germany and her allies and Europe at the end of WWI. Some point included how countries would govern themselves, create new borders and retain independence. -
Aircraft by the End of War
Aircraft were proven through upgrades that they were true war machine by 1918. Small bombers were dropping bombs and fighters had mounted machineguns. -
U-Boats at the End of the War.
Germany built 360 U-Boats and sunk 11 million tons of Allied shipping. They had only lost 178 U-boats by the end of the war. -
Manfred von Richthofen (Red Baron) dies
The Red Baron is shot down on April 22, 1918. The fighter that shot him down is not certain. He is credited for 80+ air combat kills. -
Battle of Somme
One of the largest battles of WWI which was fought between July 1st and November 1st 1918 near the Somme river in France. This is one of the bloodiest battles resulting in a loss of 1.5 million men. Somme was a battle of attrition but weked the German Army. -
Battle of Amiens
This is the turning point on the Western Front. The Allies launch an attack with 75,000, 500 tanks, and 2000 planes. They advanced 8 miles and cause 27,000 csualties in just a few days. The German high command predicted that there chanches of vitory was gone. -
The Armistice (Treaty of Versailles)
In order for peace to be reached Germany was ordered to give up 2,500 heavy guns, 2,500 field guns, 25,000 machine guns, 1,700 aeroplanes and all submarines they possessed.They had to disarm all the warships they were allowed to keep, had to tell where they had mines and traps or poisoned water sources, evacuate certain areas, return prisoners of war, and pay 35 billion dollars in damages as well as accepting blame for the war. If Germany broke any of the terms war would begin in 48 hrs. -
Last Casualty of WWI
PRivate HEnry Gunter was shot and killed one minute before the war ended when he was sent woth a group to make a final attack on a German Gunner. -
WWI Casualties
By the end of the war, Russia had lost the most casualties out of one country in which they lost 6,700,000 troops. The Central powers lost more than 11,000,000 troops combined and suffered great losses. The Allies had more people s soldiers but ened up with more casualties at the end. -
Economic Costs of WWI
WWI was a very economic based war with lots of money used on new inventions. Millions of dollars were used to supply Britian with supplies but lots of it was lost due to U-Boats. Germany was required to pay 35 million dollars for the damage it caused in WWI. -
Personal Conclusion
WWI was a war that nobody had ever experienced before. Death tolls were at heights not even imagined and new weaponry was causing destruction on new levels. It is hard to beleive that the killing of a leader nobody like could cause a massive war. With the lives lost, we gained knowledge and we sparked the era of the 20th century. We learned that we could come from a plane that flew only around 10 seconds to warplanes that dropped bombs and from cars to tanks in such a short amount of time.