event 1
- Archeduke Franz Ferdinand and wife visit Sarajevo in Bosnia
- A bomb is targeted and launched at their auto, but it misses
- Both Ferdinand and his wife are later shot and assassinated
event 2
- First German U-Boat campaign occurs
- Attacks on British merchant and passenger ships by the German in British waters
- Americans are killed in these attacks, causing the United States to become angry
event 3
- German u-boat blows up the English passanger liner "Lusitania"
- the passenger liner sinks within 18 minutes
- Drowns about 1,200 people
event 4
- German army attacks the French army
- Germans capture Fort Douaumont
- Germans target the city of Verdun wanting to make the French "bleed" to death
event 5
- British suffer the worst single-day death toll
- 18,800 soldiers killed
- first day of the Battle of Somme
event 6
- American re-elect President Woodrow Wilson
- Woodrow campaigned the slogan "He kept us out of war"
event 7
- British intercept the Zimmerman Telegram
- Telegram sent from the Germans to Mexico to try and persuade them to provoke war with the United States
- British inform the United States
event 8
- The United States is informed of the Zimmerman Telegram
- "last straw"
- United States declares war on Germany
event 9
- Soviet Russia signs an armistice with Germany
- Russia departs from the Eastern Front
- German devisions are now available to be redeployed
event 10
- President Woodrow Wilson presents his 14 Points
- 14 Points = plan for peace
event 11
- U.S. Army and French army join together against the Germans
- Germans don't give up
- 75,000 American casualties
event 12
- Germans sign the Versailles treaty
- 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month
- war ends