WWI Timeline

  • The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand(The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary) was killed by a Bosnian Serb student and this led Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia and start a chain of events of war starting
  • Period: to


    This whole span was the First World War
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    This was when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia for the death of Archduke Ferdinand
  • Battle Of Tannenberg

    Battle Of Tannenberg
    It was one of the first major battles that showed that the German Army could take on and defeat larger armies, this battle ended with almost the complete destruction of the Russian Second Army(30,000 Russian casualties) and the suicide of it's commanding general Alexander Samsonov and all with only 13,000 German casualties
  • The First Battle Of Marne

    The First Battle Of Marne
    It was a battle of a bunch of skirmishes which enabled the French to continue fighting the war, but it had Germany capture a large part of France and it ruined Germany's two-front war strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan and also the first battle of WWI
  • The First Battle of Ypres

    The First Battle of Ypres
    This was an attempt by the German Army to take the french ports and this ended with about 130,000 casualties; this was important because it introduced trench warfare
  • The first use of Poison Gas in WWI

    The first use of Poison Gas in WWI
    This was the day that the German Army first used poison gas on the allies creating a new type of weapon
  • Battle Of Gallipoli

    Battle Of Gallipoli
    Allied troops landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in Ottoman Turkey, the Gallipoli Campaign was intended to allow Allied ships to pass the Dardanelles, capture Constantinople(Istanbul), and knock Ottoman Turkey
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a British passenger boat that was sunk by the Germans which made the United States very angry at them
  • The Battle Of Verdun

    The Battle Of Verdun
    The French repulsed a very big German Offense attack, this was the longest battle in World War I which led to about 400,000 casualties on both sides
  • Battle Of Jutland

    Battle Of Jutland
    This was a Naval Battle against Britain's Royal Naval Fleet and the German Navy's High Seas Fleet; although it wasn't what Britain was hoping for it confirmed their Naval Dominance and made the able to secure their control of the shipping lanes
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Named after the Russian commander Aleksei Brusilov who led it, the offensive used tactics that were to also prove successful on the Western Front. Brusilov used a short, sharp artillery bombardment and shock troops to exploit weak points, helping to return an element of surprise to the attack.
  • Battle Of Somme

    Battle Of Somme
    The British launched an attack on River Somme which lasted for 5 months and then the Germans decided to retreat this ended with over 1 million casualties on both sides
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    This revolution had Lenin's Bolsheviks take control of Russia and had agreed an armistice with Germany which led to Germany taking Poland, The Baltic States, and Finland
  • U.S joins World War I

    U.S joins World War I
    When Germany said they would continue attacking passenger and merchant ships the U.S. A decided to join
  • The murder of Czar Nicholas II

    The murder of Czar Nicholas II
    The Bolsheviks murdered the former czar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his family
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The Canadian Forces took the town of Mons which liberated an area that has been in German control since 1914
  • The signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty was one of the many that officially ended the Great War/World War 1