-WWI Timeline-

  • -Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand-

    -Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand-
    Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Ferdinand was in alliance which then caused WWI.
  • -War Declaration-

    -War Declaration-
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia due to the alliance and assassination of Ferdinand.
  • -Start Of World War 1-

    -Start Of World War 1-
    The beginning of the war.
  • -First Battle Of The Marne-

    -First Battle Of The Marne-
    It was a fight between the French and Germans, Paris was saved from being captured by pushing back the Germans, but later Germans captured large territory in the industrial northeast of France.
  • -Battle Of Ypres-

    -Battle Of Ypres-
    Poison gas was used by the Germans and the British wanted to secure army supplies and English ports.
  • -Germany Sinks Lusitania-

    -Germany Sinks Lusitania-
    Germany sunk the enemy ship that was carrying equipment.
  • -Battle Of Verdun-

    -Battle Of Verdun-
    The Germans used total war to destroy french morale.
  • -Battle Of Jutland-

    -Battle Of Jutland-
    Germans wanted to reduce the "Royal Navy" which they then ambushed the British Grand Fleet in the north sea.
  • -Battle Of Somme

    -Battle Of Somme
    The British launched an attack in the Somme River area to pull the German troops away from Verdun.
  • -Russian Revolution-

    -Russian Revolution-
    The Russians launched a new offensive on the western front and lost 800,000 troops, they withdrew from the war which led to no eastern front.
  • -United States enters the war-

    -United States enters the war-
    They had unlimited u-boat warfare and the Zimmerman telegram helped persuade the U.S. into joining the war.
  • -The Treaty Of Versailles-

    -The Treaty Of Versailles-
    The treaty was created for the war to end and for Germany and the central powers to take the blame for WWI.
  • -Economic Devastation-

    -Economic Devastation-
    Europe was devasted after WWI, with extreme damage leading to millions of dollars in repair, and damaged infrastructure, allies wanted payback, and they couldn't maintain or control colonies.
  • -Armistice Created-

    -Armistice Created-
    The armistice was an agreement that put the war at pause on the western front until permanent peace was discussed between the Allies and Germany.
  • -Reparation-

    Germany agreed to pay for ALL the damage caused by their armies which came down to £6,600 million, with that much due they made their last payment in 2010.