Francis Ferdinand is assasinated in Sarajevo
Archduke Francis Ferdinand was successfully assasinated after an attempted murder, thus ending the austro-hungarian empire and sparking the beginning of World War I. -
WWI Begins
After many conferences and confrontations, Austro-Hungary declare war on Serbia with Germany's aide. -
A Futile Attempt
Russia attempts to convince the Germans not to mobilize on Serbia, whilst they partially mobilize their own troops. Germany warns the russians to not mobilize their troops and begins to mobilize their own. -
Arch-Duke's Investigation begins
They started to investigate how, where and why the Arch-duke was murdered. -
Arch-Duke's Investigation ends
Russia Attacks
Russia responds to a series of attacks and damages made to Serbia by Austro-Hungary and begins mobilizing their troops. -
Germany declares war!
Germany declares war on England, Russia and France. -
Great Britain Joins the Fray
As a response to Germany's invasion of Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany. -
United States are Neutral!
The United States make sure everyone understand that they are neutral and want no part in this war. -
Japan Joins the War
Japan also declares war with Germany, and help the british by helping with Naval support. -
Trench Warfare Ensues..
French and Germany fight most of their battles between two trenches, in which they stayed inside for 4 years. -
Poison Gas?
Germany uses poison shells against Russia for the first time, even though the attack fails, as the temperature was too cold to vaporize. -
Naval Warfare arrives
Germany's development of U-Boats cause a lot of strife between them and britain, killing various of passenger ships(which angered Americans, destroyed shipping imports to Germany(Britain), etc. -
Italy's there too!
Italy joins the war under the Dual Alliance, forming the Triple Alliance! -
Troubles in Russia
Russia's belief in Czar Nicolas II wavers as they he was unable to take charge in a battle. -
Peace, Please.
President Woodrow Wilson attempts to form a peace conference in Europe, which paved the way for the falling action of the war. -
Welcome the Tanks
Tanks are first introduced in the battlefield by the British, who managed to pass through the German's barbed wire. -
The End of the battle of Verdun
After 10 months of a very long trench warfare battle, the French had managed to push away the Germans from ever taking Verdun and making sure that they stayed out. -
The Fated Telegram
After some bugging, tapping and digging, the british managed to intercept a telegram sent by german Alfred Zimmerman, stating to Mexico that they will provide tactical support as they try to reclaim territories for the United States. -
The Russian Revolution
After many years of being disgruntled, the Russian citizens had made a mass protest turn revolution in order to de-throne the current czar and establish a new government. -
United States can't take it anymore.
President Woodrow Wilson decided he's had enough of Germany sinking their passanger liners and decides to sever their diplomatic ties and declare war. -
The Fourteen Points Of Peace
The long-awaited fourteen points of peace are introduced by Woodrow Wilson, a document that would lead to the end of the war. -
The League of Nations
The League of nations is born, an organization of many countries who were assembled to discuss conflicts and peace treaties in a peaceful and serene way. -
It's over
The war reaches it's conclusion in the Palace of Versailles, where several of the countries who were at war had settled their differences for peace and prosperity...for now.