WWI Timeline

  • The Archduke Ferdinand Assassination

    Ferdinand and his while were shot, then the assassins made the group Black Hands which led to the begining of the war.The Balck Hands started smallmwars which led to bigger ones.
  • The War Starts

    Germany invades Belgium. This led to the war after Germany continued.
  • Lusitania

    The Germans sink a British ship, the Lusitania, they killed british qnd some Americans
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare and continueong lost 60,000 casualities on the first dau. And about 1.2 million when the war was over.
  • The British Blockade

    The british blockade csused ermany to lose all imports going on a fast. 750,000 people died of starvation in Germany
  • Bristish Blockade

    The British blockade germany, and soon germny is not getting any imports and go on a famine. 750,000 people died from starvation
  • Selective Service Act

    This was an act making all males from the ages of 18-45 registering to the army.
  • America Goes to Europe

    America goes to fight the war in europe when Germany is only 50 miles from paris.
  • Espionage Act

    This was a federal law intended to prohibit with any military operations during the war.
  • Ypres

    Allied Victory, costs over half a million casualities
  • Fourteen Points

    The Fourteen Points was a policy by Woodrow Wilson for free trade and open agreements between countries in the war.
  • Sedition Act

    This was an extended version of the Espionage Act to cover a broader range of offenses.
  • Battle of Marne

    Turning point of the war. Allies advance steadily after defeating the Germans
  • Austria-Hungary Surrenders

    Surrenders to the Allied Powers
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This was the treaty of stopping the war between Germany and the Allied Powers.It included 9 new countries. It made germany lose part if its land, and humiliate them for starting the war. Also making them pay very larbe reparations. About $33 Billion/
  • League of Nations

    This is a group that was made to help many nations have peace with each other. It was led by Henry Cabot Lodge.