WWI Sequencing

By 6odd
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    The Road to War
    Origins of World War One
    War Begins
  • Russia Mobilizes its Armed Forces

    The Road to War
    The Deadliest war
  • Germany Declares War on Russia/France

    The Road to War
    The Deadliest War
  • Great Britain Declares war on Germany

    The Road to War
    The Deadliest War
  • Battle of Verdun-750,000 casualties for the Germans and French

    The Road to war
    The Deadliest War
    War Begins
  • Russian Revolution

    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Russian Revolution
  • U.S. Declares war against Central Powers

    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Declaring War
  • Russian Revolution II-Vladimir Lenin took control of government

    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Russia Makes Peace
  • Russia and Germany sign treaty of Brest Litovsk.

    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Russia Makes Peace
  • Germany attacks

    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Germany Attacks
  • Bellue Forest battle

    America at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Turning the Tide
  • American attack on Chateau Thierry

    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Turning the Tide
  • Battle of Argonne Forest

    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Battle of The Argonne Forest
  • Armistice to end fighting

    Americans at War
    The Armistice
    War's Deadly Toll
  • Treaty of Versailles ratification

    Shaping the Peace
    Peace Conference in Paris
    The Treaty of Versailles