Red Baron (Manfred Von Richthofen)
He joined the military at the age of eleven. At 19 he joined the Uhlan regiment. At 23 he started flying. The Christmas of 1915 he was given his pilots certification. His frist kill was in the following April. He had killed ten pilots by november. On the 23 he killed one of Britain's best pilots. At the end of his career he had killed 80 pilots, the most of any ace. He was killed April 22, 1918 in a dog fight. -
Brigadier General kendall Jordan
*Born -
Trench warfare was used by both sides of the western front. This defensive war style is intended to hinder enemys. There were over 1,000 miles of trenches, the conditions in the trenches were horrible, many people died in them. -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assinated -
*starts -
Period: to
World War One -
Germany declares war on Russia Belgium and France.Britian declares war on Germany. Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia -
The first trenches are dug -
Christmas Truce -
Chemical weapons
Tear gas was used from the start of the war, but chlorine gas was used in 1915. Chlorine gas was extremely leathal. Mustard gas was another common poison gas used in world war one. -
Britian uses gas in battle for the first time. Shifting winds cause 60,000 British casualties. -
The battle of Verdun takes place. Longest battle in the war; over a million casualties take place. -
July 1 The battle of some begins. The British introduce the tank. Another one million casualties. The battle ends November 18, 1916 -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan is enlisted into the United States Army and was sent to the U.S. Army reserve officers training corps in Mcpherson, Georgia. -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
General Jordan Graduated second lieutenant and was assinged to the 56th infantry -
The uniforms were primarily kahki. They were manufactured in Britian and France. Everyone was issued boots and gas masks. Difference in rank wasn't shown in the uniform; the difference in branches was. There were nine branches of service. -
First Americans land if France -
As America's allies were starving after three years of war They joined the fight and brought food with them. On this day Woodrow Wilson developed a voluntary program to get food to soldiers. The program encouraged people to stop eating certain foods the soldiers needed. -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
The 56th infantry joined the 13th brigade, which became the 7th infantry. -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
Went to France after completing training. He was part of the American Expiditionary Force where he led a machine gun platoon. -
Period: to
Influenza kills more people than the war does -
Red Baon
*died -
*ends -
World War One ends -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
He returned to the U.S. -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan
He was assigned to go on a tour overseas a the Brigade Battalion Commander of the 22nd Infantry -
Brigadier General Kendall Jordan