WWI project

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    WWI Events

  • archduke franz ferdinard death

    archduke franz ferdinard death
    Archduke was a huge part of the Austria country and one day Archduke was driving around with his wife when there was one of the black hand assassins in one of the buildings. Not knowing he drove by him and was shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip. When news got to the Austria empire that Archduke was killed.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary felt it had no choice but to assert its dominance. Austria-Hungary sets out to punish Serbia it wants to quash support for Serbian nationalism, Immediately, and within a period of six days, European countries declare war upon one another.It's encouraged by its ally Germany.
  • Germany invades belguim

    Germany invades belguim
    Germany demanded that its troops be allowed to pass through Belgian territory. Belgium refused. Accepting Germany's demands would make Belgium complicit in the attack on France and partially responsible for the violation of its own neutrality.
  • The battle of marne

    The battle of marne
    it enabled the French to continue the war. However, the Germans succeeded in capturing a large part of the industrial north east of France, a serious blow.the Germans begin what would be their final offensive push of World War I. Dubbed the Second Battle of the Marne, the conflict ended several days later in a major victory for the Allies.
  • Germany sinking Lusitania

    Germany sinking Lusitania
    Germany claimed that the sinking was justified because munitions were being carried on board. The Germany's only weapon of advantage as Britain effectively blocked German ports to supplies. The goal was to starve Britain before the British blockade defeated Germany. That's the reasoning for the sinking of the Lusitania
  • italy declares war on Austria-hungary

    italy declares war on Austria-hungary
    the serious negotiations with London and France . The Treaty of London was signed on 26 April 1915 was the reason Italy declared war against Austria-Hungary. The Emperor's obstinacy that caused Italy to enter the war as an enemy of the Danube Monarchy. When Italy joined sides with the Triple Entente, it was on the understanding that the Allies would seek to provide Italy with substantial territorial gains at the cost of Austria-Hungary.
  • Germany begins the attack on Verdun.

    Germany begins the attack on Verdun.
    at 7.15 am when the German army began pounding the forts and trenches with artillery fire. 1,200 guns smashed the French positions. the German Chief of General Staff, Erich von Falkenhayn to secure victory for Germany on the Western Front. The aim was to crush the French army before the Allies grew in strength through the full deployment of British forces.
  • Battle of verdun ends

    Battle of verdun ends
    With war taking a span of ten months the war was very brutal with many casualties and building broken machines blown up. It was so brutal cause of the 800,000 casualties at Verdun, an estimated 70 percent were caused by artillery. The Germans launched two million shells during their opening bombardment more than in any engagement in history to that point and the two sides eventually fired between 40 and 60 million shells over the next 10 months.
  • United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.

    United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany.
    Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare strategy sent more merchant and passenger ships to the ocean's floor and the loss of American lives mounted. The U.S. protested and in February severed diplomatic relations with Germany, while Congress appropriated funds for increased military affairs.
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany.

    Russia signs armistice with Germany.
    in the city of Brest-Litovsk, located in modern-day Belarus near the Polish border, Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers meaning the Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria and they ending its participation in World War I
  • Germany begins its final offensive of the war.

    Germany begins its final offensive of the war.
    Germany begins its final offensive of the war. near the Marne River in the Champagne region of France, the Germans begin what would be their final offensive push of World War I. Dubbed the Second Battle of the Marne, the conflict ended several days later in a major victory for the Allies.
  • British and American forces enter Germany.

    British and American forces enter Germany.
    The British gave President Wilson the Zimmermann telegram on February 24, and on March 1 the American press reported on its existence. The American public was outraged by the news of the Zimmermann telegram and it, along with Germany's resumption of submarine attacks, helped lead to the United States joining the war.
  • Treaty of versaille

    Treaty of versaille
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany and the Allied Nations formally ending World War One. The terms of the treaty required that Germany pay financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies. The treaty of Versailles was fair to take away Germany's armed forces and colonies as it protected the rest of the world in the short term and punished them.
  • Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles

    Allied and German representatives sign treaty of Versailles
    by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles and went into effect on January 10, 1920. The treaty gave some German territories to neighbouring countries and placed other German territories under international supervision.
  • Treaty of Versailles takes effect.

    Treaty of Versailles takes effect.
    The treaty's so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers. the controversial Treaty of Versailles which established the terms for peace at the end of World War I went into effect.