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WWI: Life of a Soldier

  • Assassination of Francis Ferdinand at Serajevo

    Assassination of Francis Ferdinand at Serajevo
    Francis Ferdinand was assassinated due to his perceived threat to Serbian independence. The assassination of Francis Ferdinand caused the outbreak of the World War. Francis and his wife were assassinated. The people who assassinated Francis Ferdinand hoped that by assassinating Francis Ferdinand, they might provoke the Austro-Hungarian empire to start a war on Serbia.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    The Italian announcement opened up a new world in World War I. The Emperor's obstinacy caused Italy to enter the war as an enemy/threat. By late 1917 the Italians and the Austrians had fought 11 battles. By the end of the war, more than 615,000 Italians had been killed in battle.
  • Germany begins the attack on Verdun

    Germany begins the attack on Verdun
    The German army began Blasting the forts and trenches with artillery fire. 1,200 guns Broke the French positions. Germany began their attacks on Verdun because they wanted to win for Germany on the Western Front. The attack was planned by the German Chief.
  • Naval battle of Jutland

    Naval battle of Jutland
    The Naval Battle of Jutland took place between British and German soldiers. The battle was the biggest sea battle of World War I. The war had 151 British warships against 99 German ships. Also, it was the first and only time the two battles ships confronted each other.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle Verdun was the longest of the First World War. The battle was fought between the French and the Germans. At the end of the war, there were 550,000 French and 450,000 German deaths. The battle of Verdun was also the first war to use flamethrowers.
  • American combat forces arrive in France

    American combat forces arrive in France
    American troops arrived in France. Their arrival was kept a secret to guard against German intervention. They arrived in France because the British and French troops had been fighting for a very long time. And needed the relief offered by the American forces.
  • War preparation

    War preparation
    Arriving at Washington Barracks and being placed into tents with a couple of other guys. They are given supplies like stoves, They are getting ready for the war.
  • Gearing up

    Gearing up
    Rolled up cots and blankets, Boarded the Pontoonier on top of the baggage, and then left for Belvoir which was 30 miles down the Potomac.
  • Memoirs

    Chased four prisoners in a trash wagon for two hours, and was at the guard house all day. Then, wrote letters in the evening.
  • Soldier snow fun

    Soldier snow fun
    Stood reveille in two inches of snow then went to Y to play checkers. Then calisthenics followed with a snowball fight and also a Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
    Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers in the city of Brest-Litovsk. Brest-Litovsk is Located in Belarus near the Polish border. Russia signed a treaty with the Central Powers ending its participation in World War l. Russia leaving World War I resulted in Russia losing its major territorial holdings.
  • Woodrow Wilson Presents to congress his outline of fourteen points required for peace.

    Woodrow Wilson Presents to congress his outline of fourteen points required for peace.
    The Fourteen Points speech of President Woodrow Wilson was an address delivered before a joint meeting of Congress. During the speech Wilson outlined his vision for a long peace in Europe. The Americas, and the rest of the world following World War l. He wanted an end to secret agreements, freedom of the seas, free trade, reduction of armaments and armies, and a fair solution to the problems of the colonized people.
  • Germany begins its final offensive of the war

    Germany begins its final offensive of the war
    The German army invaded the country using the Schlieffen plan, fighting against Russia and France. Then there was a long siege between Germany and the Allies. Later on, the first battle occurred. It lasted months and caused about 1.2 Million deaths. It was called The Battle of the Bulge.
  • American forces stop German attempts to cross the Marine River at Chateau-Thierry

    American forces stop German attempts to cross the Marine River at Chateau-Thierry
    Germany attempted to cross the Marine River at Chateau-Thierry but the U.S. machine guns were Guarding the site. Which helped save the French army. The Germans were forced to end their attack and retreat due to the extreme loss of soldiers. The offensive against the Germans was the first major battle fought by US troops.
  • Dangerous trenches

    Dangerous trenches
    In a trench near a road that is exposed to observation from an opposite hillside that Boche has taken over. Around 3 o'clock they are ordered to camp out. There are 75 shells and machine gun bullets close by. A bullet almost hit him but it did not penetrate the area. 6 o'clock he was given the task of burying and taking out the dead.