WWI-Great Depression-WWII

By rdwalsh
  • Assination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

    Assination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
  • Russian Communist Revolution begins

    Russian Communist Revolution begins
  • Passage of the Selective Service Act

    Passage of the Selective Service Act
  • War Industries Board established to regulate production in WWI

    War Industries Board established to regulate production in WWI
  • Food administration set up under Herbert Hoover

    Food administration set up under Herbert Hoover
  • Russia Withdraws from WWI

    Russia Withdraws from WWI
  • Worldwide Flu Epidemic Kills 30 Million

    Worldwide Flu Epidemic Kills 30 Million
  • Woodrow Wilson presents his 14 points peace plan

    Woodrow Wilson presents his 14 points peace plan
  • National War Labor Board is established

    National War Labor Board is established
  • Espionage and Sedition acts passed by Congress

    Espionage and Sedition acts passed by Congress
  • Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies

    Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies
  • Armistice ends World War 1

    Armistice ends World War 1
  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Period: to

    Passage of Prohibition and end of Prohibition

  • Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy

    Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy
  • Hirohito becomes emporer of Japan

    Hirohito becomes emporer of Japan
  • Charles Lindbergh makes first non stop transatlantic flight

    Charles Lindbergh makes first non stop transatlantic flight
  • Herbert Hoover is elected President

    Herbert Hoover is elected President
  • Stock market crashes "Black Tuesday"

    Stock market crashes "Black Tuesday"
  • Bank failures begin

    Bank failures begin
  • Pluto id discovered

    Pluto id discovered
  • Boulder Dam project begins

    Boulder Dam project begins
  • Japan conquers Manchuria

    Japan conquers Manchuria
  • Japan invades northern china

    Japan invades northern china
  • Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic in a solo flight

    Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic in a solo flight
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
  • Hitler sets up dachau

    Hitler sets up dachau
  • Hitler comes to power in Germany

    Hitler comes to power in Germany
  • FDR elected president #1

    FDR elected president #1
  • First fireside chat by FDR

    First fireside chat by FDR
  • Loch Ness Monster first sighted

    Loch Ness Monster first sighted
  • Agriculture Adjustment Act

    Agriculture Adjustment Act
  • Hoover disbands the bonus army

    Hoover disbands the bonus army
  • Congress creates the SEC

    Congress creates the SEC
  • Period: to

    Dust Bowl

  • Elvis' Birthday

    Elvis' Birthday
  • Works progress administration Established

    Works progress administration Established
  • Congress passes the Social Security Act

    Congress passes the Social Security Act
  • Henry Ford opens his assembly lines to African American workers

    Henry Ford opens his assembly lines to African American workers
  • Period: to

    Civil War in Spain

  • Jesse Owens wins four Gold Medals at Olympics in Germany

    Jesse Owens wins four Gold Medals at Olympics in Germany
  • FDR elected president #2

    FDR elected president #2
  • Hindenburg disaster

    Hindenburg disaster
  • Golden Gate bridge opens

    Golden Gate bridge opens
  • Orson Welles broadcasts the War of the Worlds

    Orson Welles broadcasts the War of the Worlds
  • Kristallnacht

  • Hitler and Stain sign nonaggression pact

    Hitler and Stain sign nonaggression pact
  • Wizard of Oz released

    Wizard of Oz released
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • Germany invades Poland Britain and France declare war

    Germany invades Poland Britain and France declare war
  • German General Rommel surrenders in north africa

    German General Rommel surrenders in north africa
  • Japan, Germany, and Italy sign the Tripartite Pact

    Japan, Germany, and Italy sign the Tripartite Pact
  • FDR elected president #3

    FDR elected president #3
  • Lend lease act

    Lend lease act
  • Rommel begins his attack near El Agheila

    Rommel begins his attack near El Agheila
  • Rommel's forces reach Agedabia

    Rommel's forces reach Agedabia
  • Operation Mercury is officially launched

    Operation Mercury is officially launched
  • Allied forces retreat to defensive positions at Galatas

    Allied forces retreat to defensive positions at Galatas
  • Hitler invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler invades the Soviet Union
  • Period: to

    US is in World War II

  • WWII War production Board created by Roosevelt

    WWII War production Board created by Roosevelt
  • Japanese Internment Camps begin

    Japanese Internment Camps begin
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Bulge

  • FDR elected president #4

    FDR elected president #4
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski
  • Victory in Japan

    Victory in Japan
  • Period: to

    7 year occupation of Japan by U.S.

  • Nuremburg war trials

    Nuremburg war trials
  • Jackie Robinson becomes first African American MLB player

    Jackie Robinson becomes first African American MLB player