World war 1 1 638

World War I

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The Road to War
    Origins of World War I
    War Begins
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    The Road to War
    Origins of World War I
    War Begins
  • German U-boat sinks Lusitania of the U.S

    German U-boat sinks Lusitania of the U.S
    The Road to War
    American Neutrality
    The Lusitania
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    The Road to War
    The Deadliest War
    War Begins
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Zimmerman Telegram
  • German U-boats sink 3 U.S merchant ships.

    German U-boats sink 3 U.S merchant ships.
    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Zimmerman Telegram
  • Russian Tsar is overthrown

    Russian Tsar is overthrown
    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Russian Revolution
  • The U.S declares war to help the Allied powers fight tyranny.

    The U.S declares war to help the Allied powers fight tyranny.
    The Road to War
    Entering the War
    Russian Revolution
  • 2m soldiers deserted Russian front lines. Germany drives into Russia and overtakes some of it.

    2m soldiers deserted Russian front lines. Germany drives into Russia and overtakes some of it.
    Americans at War
    Joining the Fight
    Russia Makes Peace
  • Treaty of Breast-Litovsk

    Treaty of Breast-Litovsk
    Americans at War
    Setbacks and Advances
    Russia Makes Peace
  • German “Peace offensive”

    German “Peace offensive”
    Americans at War
    Joining the Fight
    Germany Attacks
  • America and France counteract near Château-Thierry

    America and France counteract near Château-Thierry
    Americans at War
    Joining the Fight
    Turning the Tide
  • Battle of the Argonne Forest

    Battle of the Argonne Forest
    Americans at War
    Joining the Fight
    Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • Armistice to end fighting

    Armistice to end fighting
    Americans at War
    The Armistice
    A Harsh Armistice
  • Ratification of the Treaty of Versailles by the U.S. and European nations

    Ratification of the Treaty of Versailles by the U.S. and European nations
    Shaping the Peace
    Peace Conference in Paris
    The Treaty of Versailles