
World War I

  • Period: to


  • Franz Fredinand

    Franz Fredinand
    Franz and his wife Sophie Choteck were assassinted.The were killed by Gavrilo Princip. He was part of a Group called "The Black Hand".
  • Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia

    Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. A month After Franz Ferdinand and Sophie Chotek assassnation.Even Though they were not ready to attack. They were going to war anyway for what Serbia had done.
  • Germany Declares war on Russia

    Germany Declares war on Russia
    Germany declared war on Russia. Russia was not going to back down Germany asked Russia to back down three times but they refused to back down. This was the the event that "kicked of" the war.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Three days after declaring war an Russia .Germany declared war on France.Moments after Germany Declared war France declared war and were ready to attack.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
    A day after Germay declared war on France Britian declared war on Germany.Britain told Germany to get out of Belgium on August 3th but then did not was Britian declared war.
  • Siege of Liege

    Siege of Liege
    The Siege of Liege was one of the First battles in World War I. Gemany went through Belgium To get to France.
  • U.S remain neutral

    U.S remain neutral
    President of th United Starts, woodrow Wilson .annouced that the U.S would stay remain Neutral during the war.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    On Christmas Eve Germany and British Troops. Sang Christmas songs to each other arcossed no mans land. From their trenches.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    On Christmas day German Soilderand Brititsh Troops Came out of the Trenches. Walked acrossed No mans land . And were calling out 'Merry Christmas".
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany wanted Mexico to side with them.In case the war between germany and the U.S..Start in return Germany promised to return everything mexico had lost during that time.
  • Kendell Jorden Fielder

    Kendell Jorden Fielder
    In Apirl of 1917 Kendell Jorden Fielder Graduated with a Bachlors a science degree in textiles engineeing.He felt he wanted to do more. "He felt a Patiotic duty to serve his contry by enlisting in the Army".
  • Kendell Jordan Fielder

    Kendell Jordan Fielder
    Kendell Jordan Fielder was sent to one of the first U.S Army Reserve. For officer training corps course. It was at camp Mcpherson in Georgia.
  • Kendell Jordan Fielder

    Kendell Jordan Fielder
    In July 1918 Kendell Jordan Fielder was sent to France.Fielder was a lieutant.Fielder than became the leader of a machinegun platoon.
  • Kendell Jordan Fielder

    Kendell Jordan Fielder
    On August First a month after being deported. Kendell Jorden Fielder landed in France. where he was a machinegun platoo.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace Treaty that ended WWI .It was between Germany and the Ailled Powers.It was 15 parts and 440 articles long.