Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip.
Many call it the spark that set the war on fire. Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were in Sarajevo (the capitol of Bosnia) to inspect an army. A group of Bosnians who hoped for independence from Austria, attempted to assassinate them. After failed attempts by the group known as "Black Hand", and a mix-up of driving routes, one of the men in Black Hand named Gavrilo Princip shot a killed both the Archduke and his wife. Austria gave Serbia (tied to Black Hand and Bosnia) an ultimatum ending in war. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, and the Austrian government giving Serbia it's ultimatum, both sides reached out to allies and started their mobilization. With Austria-Hungary having Germany to back it up, Austria declares war and send out attacks. -
Russia prepares to intervene against Austria.
When Austria began preparation to invade Serbia, Russia realized that it needed to step in and support it's close tie with Serbia. After Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia starts to mobilize despite Germany's warning. When Austria attacks Serbia, Russia starts to fully mobilize and Germany gives it's last demands for it to stop. -
The Schlieffer Plan for Germany and war with Russia.
Germany was preparing for war even before 1914 with the "Schlieffer Plan". This plan was to fight both Russia and France at the same time. The excuse of Russia stepping in on the part of Serbia gave Germany it's reason because it was allies with Austria. The only problem with this plan for Germany was that it needed to go through Belgium, which would trigger Great Britain to become upset. After declaring war on Russia once it had started to mobilize against Austria, Germany made it's move. -
Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium.
The invasion of Belgium by Germany plays a key role in the war because Belgium was Germany's access to France. Britain was helping keep control of Belgium so by Germany's invasion, it not only opened up to a war between France and Germany, it also caused Great Britain to join in. -
The sinking of the Lusitania.
As the war continued, German use of submarines to sink neutral shipping—like the Lusitania in 1915 with the death of almost 1,200 people, 128 of them Americans—brought American public opinion to the Allied side. Reacting to international outrage at the sinking , Kaiser Wilhelm suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. This was in hopes that America will stay out of the war, but it only hampered their ability to keep provisions from reaching France and Britain by the Americans. -
Germans resume unrestricted submarine warfare.
Germany decides to bring their U-boats back to restricted zones in order to as www.historyplace.com says "cutting off all imports to starve the British people into submission." This gives the Germans some advantage but after more American ships get sunk, it ultimately turns out bad for them with it being a major act that will draw the United States into the war. -
The United States enters the War.
After keeping out of the war for over three years, President Woodrow Wilson declares war against Germany.The resumption of unrestricted U-boat warfare as well as many previous battles Germany initiated, caused the United States to realize the situation they were faced with. When Germany tried reaching out to Mexico in hopes of working together against the U.S., things just looked worse and Congress agreed with a declaration of war. -
The League of Nations is formed.
As championed by President Woodrow Wilson, the League of Nations is founded in hopes of helping resolve future conflicts. To Wilson's dismay however, the U.S. does not join (an Idaho Senator among the ones who opposed) in trying to avoid future European conflicts. The League of Nations will eventually serve to be the building block for the United Nations. -
The Treaty of Versailles is signed by German, ending the war.
In France at the Palace of Versailles, a Treaty is signed by the Allied Nations and Germany. Britain, France, Italy and Russia all signed while the U.S. did not (instead signing a treaty with Germany in Berlin). With the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles by Germany, the war was formally ended. www.historyplace.com states "Germans back home react with mass demonstrations against the perceived harshness, especially clauses that assess sole blame for the war on Germany."